Reduce Stress and Lose Weight Naturally

Reduce Your Stress and Lose Weight Automatically

                If one of your resolutions this year was to lose weight, you might want to add reducing stress to calorie counting.  Studies are indicating that people who experience significant amounts of stress on a regular basis weigh significantly more than those who combat stress in healthy ways.
                Science has now proven for us that very specific things happen in our brain when we are under stress.
 Our “hunger hormones” get out of whack and send crazy signals prompting us to eat more simple sugars and signaling that we are never full.
                To add insult to injury the stress hormone, cortisol is released in massive doses in our body when we are stressed and researchers now think that during this time more fat cells are created.  And more fat cells are created to hold more fat!
               The good news is that you don’t need a prescription to block the cortisol or regulate your hormones.  Why?  Because food is nature’s drug and choosing the right foods will do this automatically.  Eat the right foods and you can keep your hormones, your waistline and your stress in check.
Try adding the following goodies to your grocery list next week.  All are proven to help regulate hormones and balance stress (and therefore help you lose weight :)
·         Bananas:  Packed with potassium and vitamin B; heavy hitters in fighting stress
·         Leafy greens:  Chock full of calcium and magnesium which are proven to relax muscles and have calming effects on your brain.
·         Fatty fishes:  Loaded with Omega 3’s which boost happy hormones in our brain, like Serotonin, and regulate the release of Cortisol.
·         Nuts:  Raw almonds, especially.  Packed with magnesium, zinc, vitamins B and E, and healthy oils to boot. Just two or three servings per week are all you need to help manage stress and drastically lower your blood pressure.
·         Mangos: Virtual vitamins C powerhouse, mangos naturally reduce blood pressure.
·         Avocados: Once again, the presence of potassium and healthy fats, avocados are great for weight loss and stress reduction.

As with all issues in life, we were never meant to succeed without God’s word.  His word is
our sustenance and our most potent stress reliever.  He reminds me during times of stress to; “Cast all your burdens on the Lord, for He cares for you.”  1 Peter 5:7 and when I feel I can’t go on, He says; “Come to me all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.”  Matthew 11:28


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