In the Nick of Time

                My family and I are in the midst of a very real struggle in our lives right now.  One, which involves very real financial burdens and an uncertain future.  One that has put a wedge between my husband and myself and shifted the mood of our home greatly.
                I won’t share the details (I’m sure my husband will feel the above is already too much) but I share the scenario to offer hope and direction to the hundreds of other families facing similar situations. 
                Financial burdens, emotional struggles and uncertain futures are an all too common reality for most homes today. 
                And for many, the end is divorce, bankruptcy, and more uncertainty.  I can tell you without a doubt that amidst our struggles, there is still one very real reality in our home.  We have hope.
                At the onset of this situation, the first place I ran to (yes, my mom was a close second) was the bible.  There I found several verses that did not solve my problem, but gave me peace in coping.  (Isn’t that what we’re all looking for?)
                 “So let us come boldly to the throne of our gracious God.  There we will receive His mercy and we will find grace to help us in time of need.”  Hebrews 4:16  (It’s worth noting that the Hebrew translation of the phrase “in time of need” bears a closer resemblance  to the phrase, “in the nick of time” or “at just the right time.”
                When we are hit suddenly (as my family was) with pain and suffering, we don’t always have time to make sense of the situation or know which direction we should go.  But we can know that God is there, and when we go to him boldly (tears and all) He is there to help, at just the time we need it.
                Another verse I have been carrying with me, is John 16:33.  “In this world you will have trouble, but take heart, I have overcome the world.”  We are reminded here, that God knows about all the struggles and burdens we will suffer, but he has already taken care of them. 
                I often visit my brother’s grave when I am hurting.  When I was there a few days ago, sitting in my car, tears streaming down my face, a song I had never heard came on the radio.  The lyrics reminded me that we are never too far, too gone, too late, or too wrong for God to take care of hurts we are experiencing.
                If you are in the midst of pain right now, may you experience the peace realizing that God knows all about it, and He has already taken care of it; “in the nick of time.”


  1. This is just what I needed to read! Thank you for taking time to share your faith and give hope to others.
    ... "He will not forget your work and the love you have shown him as you have helped his people and continue to help them." Hebrews 6:10


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