Processed Foods!!! What?!?!?

What's all the hype about processed foods?
I think the fast food generation is finally catching up to us...and our tummies, thighs and hips too! We live in a generation that wants it and we want it now! Work for it? Are you kidding, I have a credit card!!! Well we've got it, right down to the increased debt we're carrying along with the extra pounds...And what do we get with that Big Mac and fries that we'd paid for with our credit card? A little extra stress and a couple extra pounds. Fast forward one year and here we are.... 25 lbs...bigger and in more debt and wondering why we have issues with anxiety and stress.....If you're reading this and thinking that I'm talking directly to you, I'm not...The above described person is no one I know directly; just a picture of what I think I observe on a daily basis in a variety of people, strangers and acquaintences...So what in the world does that have to do with processed foods? Well, like the credit card we use too often, I don't think we fully realize the harmful effects of some of what we're eating on a daily basis...That is until it's too late and we are so overwhelmed we don't know what to do.. How in the world did we get here...We think we're eating pretty good right? So why am I not losing weight? I eat fruits and vegetables?! So why am I always tired? From what I'm reading about some of the processes our foods go through before they hit the shelves, I don't know why we're surprised that we have all these health problems and can't lose weight..Here's what I learned just this morning...The same bleach I use to clean my clothes is what is used to bleach flour???? And that's not supposed to affect my body??? They take away the muscle building protein and satiating fiber in the wheat to make white flour easier to bake with and I wonder why I'm hungry 20 minutes after I just ate three pancakes???? I need 1500 mg of sodium everyday, but the Turkey Burger I just ate at Ruby Tuesday's packs in more than 2500mg and I can't figure out why I'm bloated three days after I ate it???? Crazy!!!!! And that's just the tip of the iceberg....I don't know about you but the older I get the more I believe in the old addage, "You are what you eat!" So, do I eat the trans fats that increase my risk for heart attack and stroke and increase fat in my belly; the white flour that has very little health promoting nutrients; and the sodium packed burger that will leave me feeling bloated for days???? Or, the whole wheat pancakes, I can whip up with my kids and teach them a lesson or two in nutrition and cooking (I could do this with my husband too ya know) the ground turkey, that I bought fresh and save the $10 bucks that I don't need to put on my credit card anyway?
The latter definitely sounds more fun to me! And saves me some stress and anxiety about finances too! Pray that I make the right one will you?? I'll pray for you too!!!
We'll continue this discussion in our meeting tonight:
Lakeside Christian
Room 320
Hope to see you there
Always feel free to email me with questions or comments about my blog or meetings


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