Who Will You Choose?

Although basketball season is long over, my husband and I still reminisce about the big “What if” for us. As exciting as the tournament was, we were hoping for one more twist. You see, we are a divided family when it comes to college basketball. I, the Kentucky girl and him the Bearcat man.
Now, for the most part, this has never been an issue for us and certainly doesn’t cause fights. I am not as die-hard as other members of my family, (can you say broken television set?) Yes, really.
Since this tournament was proving to be an exciting one, we had decided early on that if the final game came down to U.C. and Kentucky (I know long shot) we were definitely having a party. And the person responsible for the broken T.V.? Yes, he would be invited. We felt safe, as this incident had occurred more than thirty years ago.
Initially, I thought I was so open about the whole thing, that I might even sport a U.C. jersey to support my husband among a sea of U.K. blue.
But then it hit me. Could I do that? Did it really not matter to me who won? Could I really watch a game where U.C. is playing U.K. and not root for my home team? Would I really enjoy the game if I didn’t hoot and holler for “my” wildcats?
No I could not, and therefore I must choose. I cannot root for both teams, and if I am truly honest, I have a favorite at heart. After all, I am a Kentucky girl, and I do bleed blue.
Yet again, another interested analogy for life. Why do we spend so much time trying to live on both sides of the fence, so to speak?
I am a “good girl” on “this day” and around “those people.” But, on the weekends, and behind closed doors it’s my life and I will live it the way I choose. Makes for a very stressful life. Take it from one, who’s “been there, done that.”
The bible reminds me that I cannot “Serve two masters.” Luke 16:13. I cannot serve (or even satisfy) the world and God fully and completely. One will get the short end of the stick. One will receive more of my devotion, more of my time, energy etc.
Just as Joshua called on the Israelites to take a stand. “So fear the Lord and serve Him wholeheartedly. Put away forever the idols your ancestors worshipped. Serve the Lord alone. But if you refuse to serve the Lord, then choose this day whom you will serve. As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.” Joshua 24:15-16
To truly enjoy this “game of life” for all that it was intended for, we must take a stand and make a choice.
Choose God! And, Go Big Blue! (Sorry, honey.)


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