Day Sixteen-Isaiah 26:3

"You will keep in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, whose thoughts are fixed on you." Isaiah 26:3

"You always have time for the things you put first."
A quote used often in weight-loss meetings. Why? Because for most women (and men) our number one reason for not joining a weight-loss program, or spending our time and energy on losing weight and getting healthy, is a lack of "time." (Followed by a close second: Money.) Both were my reasons at one point. "I would love to join Weight Watchers, I just don't have the money." (But hey, I just got a 30% coupon in the mail for Kohl's and I desperately NEED some new throw pillows and an area rug for the front hall, and with my discount it's only going to cost me around $100! Then, I get two, $10 rewards, that I can spend next month!) Or, "I just don't have the time to go to a 30-minute weight-loss meeting." (But, guess what? The new season of American Idol is starting this week! I will NOT miss an episode, and for the first month, they are two hours long! Yes!)
I now realize, thankfully, that I could not afford NOT to have joined Weight Watchers back on November 30th, 2005, because it has changed my life. The fifty pounds I lost have freed me to serve Christ in a way that was not possible before. My mind was a constant cloud of anxiety, depression, guilt and frustration when I was fifty pounds heavier. Who can hear God in all of that? With the weight gone, I could more consistently focus on my walk with the Lord and hear his plans for my life more clearly. (Plans he has for all of us, Jeremiah 29:11.)
This also brought about the realization in another area of my life, where I had "no time" to focus. Regular bible study. Why? My "to do" list was too long, (must watch Dr. Oz today, episode on headaches, and I have them!) my life too hectic (ten library events this week, can't miss any of them because I homeschool, and my children may miss out on the social and cognitive interaction they must receive from group activities or I will have failed them!) my schedule too busy, (appointment to get my nails done today, two hours; acrylics!). When my schedule lightens up, I will spend time daily studying God's word, but until then, daily prayer time will be sufficient.
Once again, God brought it to my attention that I could not afford NOT to spend time in his word on a daily basis. By doing so, I now realize how unnecessary the above items and events were in my life. I don't need Dr. Oz, Christ takes away my headaches, when I read about his unending love and blessings for me. He has also helped me to discern what is most important for educating my children and I am less influenced by the "shoulds" and "oughttas" of the world. And nails? My God loves them just the way they are, short and chipped! (Now, occasionally I still buy the "glue-ons" from Walgreen's. $6 and 5 minutes to apply! I'm not perfect, but progressing! :)
What do you "not have time or money" for today? Weight-loss? Bible study? Your husband? Your kids? Your bills? Return your focus to Christ and allow him to re-evaluate your "To-Do list" and checkbook. Watch, listen, and enjoy your new "Top Things To Do Today!" (I bet it includes reading the bible!)
Thanks for reading!
In His Love,


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