It's Not What I'm Eating, It's What's Eating Me?!?

Does this ring any bells? So, I feel like I'm going to have a great day and stay on track with healthy eating....I've got my meals planned for the day, came out of the bedroom 25 lunges in the books and bammmm!!! the phone rings! Nothing major, but stressful none the less. Hang up the phone and look at the screen; exactly 1 minute and 39 sec. for the call and I realized I had just inhaled 2 granola bars and half a banana!!! May not sound like the snack that wrecked the day's diet, however, it was not in the day's plans...In other words, I devoured roughly 340 calories that I had not planned for!!! And, to top that, it was only 8:48am!!!! What's a girl to do? I'm tired of turning to food for comfort, to cure my boredom, pass the time, celebrate virtually everything right down to "the sun is shining today, let's go out to eat!!!" When? When? When? will I learn how to "feed" these feelings without food? I deserve better and so does every person who happens on this blog....
It will be my mission, my passion, my job to pour over the research and find some solutions!!!..So join me won't you, we'll tackle this topic head on at this week's meetings and learn how to "Eat to Live, and not "Live to Eat!"
Hope to see you!
Hickory Grove (Independence)
Tuesday at 5:30pm
Lakeside Christian (Lakeside Park)
Wednesday at 5:45


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