
Showing posts from February, 2010

Scripture References for "You Say" "God Says"

Although I use these scriptures to motivate and inspire those struggling with weight issues, there is no doubt these scriptures can transform any situation or traumatic event we are facing in life when put to the test....My prayer is that you are inspired and your situation is transformed through the study of God's word, as I have been! Love, Julie We say- "This is impossible!" "I can't do it!" God says- "What is impossible with man, is possible with God." Luke 18:27 God also says-"And God will generously provide all you need. 2 Cor. 9:8 We say- "I'm too tired....." God says- "Come to me all who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest." Mt. 11:28-30 We say- "Nobody really loves me" God says- "By this may you know love. That Christ laid down his life for you." 1John 3:16 We say- "I don't know how this could ever work!" God says- "Trust ...

Am I already ready to quit already?...

O.K. this snow can really wreak havoc on our plans to get and stay healthy...What in the world can we do when our meetings have been canceled (I don't have to weigh in this week.. about another donut), we're stuck inside (can you say emotional eating?) and I desperately need exercise..(I don't feel like getting off the couch..)If I may quote from a cartoon, here...In the words of Dori, from Finding Nemo, "Just keep swimming, just keep swimming!" In other words, just keep the faith, keep praying and maybe get a little creative...As in past blogs, the theory of "never underestimate" holds true here...Never underestimate the calories you can burn while vaccuuming, moving laundry from floor to floor, cleaning bathrooms, changing linens on the beds etc...and just think of the benefits...In the end, I've burned calories and cleaned my house, now I call that stress relief... So, "just keep cleaning and you'll keep losing!!!" By ...
"Yes, Virginia, there really is a low-fat muffin out there!" I found this and cannot wait to try it! The only thing I plan to modify is the flour (white to whole wheat of course; I want my fiber and protein!) Seems relatively simple with practical ingredients. Yogurt Bran Muffins 1 cup Fiber One original bran cereal 2 egg whites or 1 egg slightly beaten 1/4 cup vegetable oil (I may even lighten that just a little too!) 1 1/2 cups whole wheat flour (orig. calls for white all purpose) 12 oz. low-fat french vanilla yogurt (2 ind. containers) 1/3 cup packed brown sugar 1 1/4 tsp baking soda 1/2 tsp salt 1/2 cup fresh raspberries, blueberries (if I can't find fresh I will go with frozen) 1. Pre-heat to 400* Grease a 12-cup muffin pan (or use cups) Place cereal in resealable plastic bag; seal and crush....Or crush in food processor. 2. Mix together egg whites, oil and yogurt. Gently stir in berries. Divide evenly among 12 muffin cups, filling to 3/4 full. 3. Bake 18-20 m...

Never Underestimate 30 Seconds

"I'll never change my life until I change something I do everyday!" Has anyone else felt a little cabin fever (to put it mildly) the past few days? I feel like I'm drowning in the growing snow, laundry, clutter, dust, mail, laundry, Christmas decorations (I can't believe I'm still finding them around.....), did I say laundry? So, I'm about to go a little crazy on Saturday, wanting, no strike that; desperately needing to get out of the house.....Needing exercise, needing to eat healthier.....needing to stop eating leftover birthday cake from my husband's birthday.....when he pipes up with "Let's go find a hill!" " What so you can throw me down it? No thanks!" Nah, he wants to take three kids (whiny ones, right now mind you because they've got cabin fever too!) and go sledding!!!! Me, in my right, and very negative mindset are confident that this will only add to the frustration mounting.....Grudgingly I get dressed while ...

It's Not What I'm Eating, It's What's Eating Me?!?

Does this ring any bells? So, I feel like I'm going to have a great day and stay on track with healthy eating....I've got my meals planned for the day, came out of the bedroom 25 lunges in the books and bammmm!!! the phone rings! Nothing major, but stressful none the less. Hang up the phone and look at the screen; exactly 1 minute and 39 sec. for the call and I realized I had just inhaled 2 granola bars and half a banana!!! May not sound like the snack that wrecked the day's diet, however, it was not in the day's plans...In other words, I devoured roughly 340 calories that I had not planned for!!! And, to top that, it was only 8:48am!!!! What's a girl to do? I'm tired of turning to food for comfort, to cure my boredom, pass the time, celebrate virtually everything right down to "the sun is shining today, let's go out to eat!!!" When? When? When? will I learn how to "feed" these feelings without food? I deserve better and so ...