Am I already ready to quit already?...

O.K. this snow can really wreak havoc on our plans to get and stay healthy...What in the world can we do when our meetings have been canceled (I don't have to weigh in this week.. about another donut), we're stuck inside (can you say emotional eating?) and I desperately need exercise..(I don't feel like getting off the couch..)If I may quote from a cartoon, here...In the words of Dori, from Finding Nemo, "Just keep swimming, just keep swimming!" In other words, just keep the faith, keep praying and maybe get a little creative...As in past blogs, the theory of "never underestimate" holds true here...Never underestimate the calories you can burn while vaccuuming, moving laundry from floor to floor, cleaning bathrooms, changing linens on the beds etc...and just think of the benefits...In the end, I've burned calories and cleaned my house, now I call that stress relief...
So, "just keep cleaning and you'll keep losing!!!"

By the way, I found frozen fruit at the Dollar Tree on Mall road in Florence! They have a frozen section! And, I found 100 calorie packs too! Check out your Dollar Tree the next time your out for great healthy bargains...

Here's a great recipe for smoothies
1 cup plain ff yogurt
2 cups frozen fruit (any flavor)
1/2 cup skim milk
Blend in blender until thick and creamy
Approx. 2-3 servings
Nutritional Info.**
Calories: 130
Fat: 0
Protein: 12 grams
Carbs: 17 grams
**(nutritional info. will vary slightly depending upon frozen fruit..)
This recipe is simple, healthy and a great switch for breakfast or a super snack in the middle of the day, or before bedtime!

Remember, when you don't have the strength, we know where to find it...
"Seek the Lord and HIS STRENGTH, seek HIS PRESENCE continually!"
Psalm 105:9
That will ensure our success!
Have a great week! We will conquer the snow and our weight!
In His Amazing Love and Power,


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