Has 2011 already found you fighting to keep the resolutions you swore you’d keep this year? If so, in 2011, it’s time to take a different approach to the New Year’s behaviors you are hoping to implement (or rid yourself of.)
Change is difficult, even when for the better. And year after year, Americans take the same approach to making changes that will improve their lives: The infamous New Year’s Resolution.
The problem? Not to state the obvious, but overwhelmingly it doesn’t work. Over 75% of us will give up on every New Year’s Resolution before the end of January!
So, if you really want to stop smoking, lose 25lbs., save more, love more, give more etc., it’s time for a REVOLUTION, not a RESOLUTION!
Take a minute to ponder the difference: 1. Resolutions have beginnings and endings. Revolutions begin with small changes and keep growing until whole lives are changed.
2. Resolutions usually begin with something we don’t really want to do yet we feel like we must! (i.e. give up chocolate!) Revolutions begin with a passion for something we desperately want (i.e. to fit into a smaller clothing size) and will stop at nothing until we get it! 3. Resolutions change only me. Revolutions change me, and all those around me!
So if you want a revolution in your life, consider implementing the following steps: Start small. Identify one or two behavior changes you will make each week that align with the changes you want to make in your lifestyle. (For example, if you are trying to save more, instead of making a resolution to save $100 a month; cut out fast food and lattes from Panerra for a week or two.) Next, keep your eye on the prize! In other words, what will you gain from these behavior changes? Better health, a bigger savings account, a happier family? Too often, when making changes we focus on what we have been forced to give up, when in fact we should be focusing on what we are gaining and achieving by making these changes in our lives. Finally, get others involved! Allow your passion and excitement to spill over into your family and friends. Trying to lose weight? Take your neighbor to that weight-loss meeting with you. Chances are, they’ve been trying to lose weight too and it adds a level of accountability for you too, not to mention someone to share your journey with!
Make 2011 your year to revolutionize your life! Make changes that will last a lifetime, not just through January!
Julie House is the founder of Equipped Ministries, a health and wellness program with a focus on weight-loss. Join an Equipped group in the community. Check out her blog for locations and times.


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