Never Underestimate 30 Seconds

"I'll never change my life until I change something I do everyday!"
Has anyone else felt a little cabin fever (to put it mildly) the past few days? I feel like I'm drowning in the growing snow, laundry, clutter, dust, mail, laundry, Christmas decorations (I can't believe I'm still finding them around.....), did I say laundry? So, I'm about to go a little crazy on Saturday, wanting, no strike that; desperately needing to get out of the house.....Needing exercise, needing to eat healthier.....needing to stop eating leftover birthday cake from my husband's birthday.....when he pipes up with "Let's go find a hill!" " What so you can throw me down it? No thanks!" Nah, he wants to take three kids (whiny ones, right now mind you because they've got cabin fever too!) and go sledding!!!! Me, in my right, and very negative mindset are confident that this will only add to the frustration mounting.....Grudgingly I get dressed while whining with the other kids, and follow him down the street....(We've just noticed that the couple with the steepest hill in their backyard have just taken off for the day; lucky for us!) Before I can get around to the hill, my husband has already taken off, flying down the hill, screaming like a 12 year old...."Come on Julie, do it! It's Awesome!" Before I could get out an, "I don't want to!", I was on it, flying down too, snow blowing up in my face, giddy like a school girl, and a rush like I haven't had since I went sledding back in high school (which hasn't been that long ago of course!) 30 seconds of pure freedom, fun, laughter, and a release like I needed! And the walk back up?! Well let's just say, four times down the hill and it's Monday and my thighs are still burning!!! Wow! Who knew? Just lettting go; giving in; sledding; or as Tim would say, "listening to your husband!" ( I'll let you decide if that one's a keeper!) could have such an impact...Not only was my cabin fever alleviated for a short time, but I got my muscles moving, I spent some very good, funny, quality time with my family and experienced the beautiful, wonderful, miraculous creation of our Creator and..... Oh, you bet it changed my outlook for the day! So, moral of the story? Give IT a try, whatever IT may be and Never! Never! Underestimate the power in 30 seconds!
Try it now: Squats, lunges, laughter, sit-ups, push-ups, laughter, hugs, kisses...laughter....Any are sure to have an impact on your day! Just give it a try, just begin!!
"Do not despise these small beginnings, for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin."
Zechariah 4:10
Here's hoping your thighs are burning!


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