
Showing posts from January, 2010

Fun, Yummy, healthy pancakes! Really!!!!

Love this recipe! Recently investigated the hype about white flour vs. wheat flour and this is what I learned; First of all white flour is bleached with the same bleach I use to wash my clothes!!! Unbelievable! And when we bleach the flour, essentially we take the good parts (protein and fiber) who knew I could get protein and fiber from flour?!?!? not me, and simply make it easier to work with......I want my fiber and protein back! So I invested in my first 5lb. bag of whole wheat flour and tried it out on a recipe for one of our most unhealthy meals of the day: Breakfast!!!! Can you say SUGAR!!!!!!! My kids may as well as for a little cereal with their sugar!!!! Well here it is and several reasons I love it: 1. My kids aren't asking for something else 15 minutes after they eat because there satisfied longer. 2. I'm adding fruit and it's fun and tasty 3. I can make a whole batch of these and freeze the leftovers so the next morning, I just pop them in the microwave! I love...

So you ran a 10k, so what?

That may be the response of some who read this while others can't imagine running 10 feet.....The fact is, I did run a 10k and am very proud of that, and in the last few years, I've come to truly enjoy running....Here's another fact, I quit the track team in high school in the middle of my very first practice, and swore I'd NEVER be a runner!! So what's my point? No matter what your past, your future can be different; and it can be different in ways you never would have dreamed or imagined!!!! I see it every and women who swear they've tried every diet known to man and can't lose weight...but give them some hope in scripture and inspirational stories of people who have been there and share their challenges and Boom they come back next week 3, 4, 5 pounds lighter!!! It may sound cliche but I love what I do....I love watching the transformations of men and women and the confidence they gain and direction God provides for their lives as they get ...

Processed Foods!!! What?!?!?

What's all the hype about processed foods? I think the fast food generation is finally catching up to us...and our tummies, thighs and hips too! We live in a generation that wants it and we want it now! Work for it? Are you kidding, I have a credit card!!! Well we've got it, right down to the increased debt we're carrying along with the extra pounds...And what do we get with that Big Mac and fries that we'd paid for with our credit card? A little extra stress and a couple extra pounds. Fast forward one year and here we are.... 25 lbs...bigger and in more debt and wondering why we have issues with anxiety and stress.....If you're reading this and thinking that I'm talking directly to you, I'm not...The above described person is no one I know directly; just a picture of what I think I observe on a daily basis in a variety of people, strangers and acquaintences...So what in the world does that have to do with processed foods? Well, like the credit card ...
"Okay here it is! 2010 has arrived! Are you ready? To live the life you were meant to live? To feel comfortable in your own skin? To feel great in your clothes? If you answered yes to any of the above, then Equipped is the place for you Don't let another year go by wishing, hoping, thinkin and prayin about what it would be like to be healthy 2010 is your year to get fit and trim!!!!!!!! The money you invest in Equipped is less than the fast food meal you are buying every week!!!!! Give up one fast food meal a week, invest it in your health and watch what God can do!!!!! Bring your family, bring your friends and bring your co-workers and tell them, WE ARE GETTING FIT AND TRIM IN 2010!!! I leave you with a hope and prayer that I see you at an Equipped meeting and Gods word; 'Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not unto your own understanding....In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight. Be not wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord, and t...

Prayers and Hopes

Although this blog will mainly serve as a way to inspire and offer those hoping to lose weight, ideas and strategies, I feel the need to share with you my prayers and hopes for those of us struggling with loss...Exactly one year ago today around this time, I received a call from my mother...My brother Jimmy had entered the hospital 3 days prior and on this day took a turn for the worse....I remember vividly the call to my husband to come home and be with the kids, so I could go and be with my mother.....I heard the fear in her voice and will not soon forget how that scared me....I knew in the deepest part of my soul that this could be the end....This was not the first hospital stay but we had been told in the past that his body may not be able to withstand one more...Alcoholism, such an ugly word...Never is it said without huge strong words attached....anger, guilt, bitterness, fear...My family has felt them all, to degrees I wish for no one! But we went, all of us, Dad, Mom, Michelle,...

Equipped-Our First Blog!!

Here's hoping lots of people see and read this! God has blessed me with the opportunity to serve him in this Awesome way! Equipped is a program dedicated to providing practical weight-loss strategies through motivation and inspiration filled, high-energy 30-minute sessions! We were blessed to implement this program at Lakeside Christian Church in January of 2009 and to date the group has lost nearly 900 lbs!!!!!! Check out a meeting here every Wednesday at 5:45pm in the lower level classroom across from the Choir room This year we were given the opportunity to start another group at Hickory Grove Baptist. Check out a meeting here every Tuesday at 5:30pm in the upstairs classroom across from the indoor track Always feel free to email me with questions about either group or to bring Equipped to your workplace or church! Remember, "You are thoroughly equipped for every good work..." 2 Timothy 3:17 (and that includes losing weight and living healthy!) Check back on my blog...