Fun, Yummy, healthy pancakes! Really!!!!

Love this recipe!
Recently investigated the hype about white flour vs. wheat flour and this is what I learned;
First of all white flour is bleached with the same bleach I use to wash my clothes!!! Unbelievable! And when we bleach the flour, essentially we take the good parts (protein and fiber) who knew I could get protein and fiber from flour?!?!? not me, and simply make it easier to work with......I want my fiber and protein back!
So I invested in my first 5lb. bag of whole wheat flour and tried it out on a recipe for one of our most unhealthy meals of the day: Breakfast!!!! Can you say SUGAR!!!!!!! My kids may as well as for a little cereal with their sugar!!!!
Well here it is and several reasons I love it:
1. My kids aren't asking for something else 15 minutes after they eat because there satisfied longer.
2. I'm adding fruit and it's fun and tasty
3. I can make a whole batch of these and freeze the leftovers so the next morning, I just pop them in the microwave! I love simple! Hope you enjoy making them and the benefits of knowing you're putting something good for you in the "temples" created by and for our Savior!

Fun, Yummy Pancakes
2 cups whole wheat flour
2 tsp baking powder
2 eggs
1 cup skim milk
1 cup low-fat yogurt
1 cup chopped fruit ( apples, strawberries, blueberries)
Whisk all ingredients together (fruit can be in the mix or reserved for the topping), cook each pancake 5-7 minutes and Enjoy!
Serving size 3 pancakes
Calories: 225
Fat: 3g
Sugar: 6 g
Protein: 9g
Fiber: 4g


  1. Switching to whole wheat flour was much more of a breeze than that dreaded switch to skim milk some twenty years ago! The only thing in which I find whole wheat flour unacceptable is bread. A good mixture of white and wheat however does the trick.


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