So you ran a 10k, so what?

That may be the response of some who read this while others can't imagine running 10 feet.....The fact is, I did run a 10k and am very proud of that, and in the last few years, I've come to truly enjoy running....Here's another fact, I quit the track team in high school in the middle of my very first practice, and swore I'd NEVER be a runner!! So what's my point? No matter what your past, your future can be different; and it can be different in ways you never would have dreamed or imagined!!!! I see it every and women who swear they've tried every diet known to man and can't lose weight...but give them some hope in scripture and inspirational stories of people who have been there and share their challenges and Boom they come back next week 3, 4, 5 pounds lighter!!! It may sound cliche but I love what I do....I love watching the transformations of men and women and the confidence they gain and direction God provides for their lives as they get healthier.....The freedom losing weight and getting healthy brings!!! What a blessing!
So back to the running...Why do I run, I run because it gives me a break in my day, I run because it's a quick way to burn calories and most importantly I run because I know I'll , NEVER, NEVER regret it!!! I do however regret the days I choose to sit on the couch and not run!!!! And regret is an ugly way to feel and I don't wish it for anyone....So do you want to wake up without regrets tomorrow? Then get up and move, not run if you're not a runner (not yet anyway) just move...I challenge you to 2 minutes of exercise right now, just two minutes of lunges, sit-ups, push-ups, running up and down the stairs, anything that will have you saying "I'm glad I did that!" instead of "I wish I would have done that!" Need some motivation? Need strength? Remember what Zechariah 4:6 says: "Not by might, not by power, but by my spirit says the Lord!" You may not be able to muster up the desire and dedication but He can!!! Enjoy those sore muscles in the morning!
P.S I'd love to hear your comments about your two minutes of exercise and as always feel free to pop in at a local meeting
Hickory Grove: Tuesdays at 5:30
Lakeside: Wednesdays at 5:45


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