
Showing posts from August, 2010

Poem: Family Chain

Poem: Family Chain To all those who have lost loved ones....May this poem ease your grief.....May God's word give you hope.... "So after you have suffered a little while, He will restore, support, and strengthen you, and He will place you on a firm foundation." 1 Peter 5:10 This is dedicated to the angel of my life, my mother, and also my dear sweet friend Mary, who both lost sons to soon....May you always feel the presence of your boys, knowing they are now angels watching out for you.......Julie

Is it time for you to go back to school?

School is back in session and it's time for you to gain some new knowledge too! So if weight loss hasn't been motivation enough, what about the prevention of heart disease, cancer, stroke and diabetes? All through the month of August Equipped will be discussing foods and their healing properties! God knew what He was doing when he created the wonderful foods He created....Come, learn and be inspired to change your eating habits forever! "Those who eat any kind of food do so to honor the Lord..." Romans 14:6 NLT Click on Meeting times and locations above to find an Equipped meeting near you! Remember, your first meeting is ALWAYS FREE and without question or commitment! Hope to see you this week! Love, Julie As always, feel free to call me with additional questions: 859/802-8965