That’s How God Operates
                Lately, I’ve been experiencing feelings I couldn’t really explain to others, and assuming it was just a normal way of life for a mother trying to raise three kids, be a good wife, and serve God in this crazy day and age.  But in attending church and bible study over the last few weeks, two bible teachers I greatly admire, spoke on a subject and very colorfully put into words exactly what I was experiencing. 
                They both questioned the listening audience asking, “Do you experience a heaviness of heart throughout your day over situations that have not come to pass?  Are you burdened about the ‘what if’s’ of life?  What if my children get sick?  What if my husband loses his job? What if my wife leaves?  Do you feel pressure to perform, wondering if you measure up, or are doing all that you should be doing?”
With tears in my eyes, I wanted to scream, “Yes, Yes!”  That’s me.  Interestingly, in both cases these two well respected bible teachers were describing personal experiences; both labeling this heaviness as oppression and a spirit of affliction that lurks in this world thanks to sin.
It makes perfect sense.  How else can you explain waking up on a beautiful morning, in a warm and cozy home with three healthy children and a loving husband and still be haunted by “what if’s?”  We all have our own set of “what if’s,” and Satan would like nothing more than to keep you entangled in a myriad of questions and doubts.  All the while, God is whispering in your ear, “Didn’t I bring you this far?  Why would I stop now?”
              I am grateful to have learned that the heaviness I have been carrying for so long can be lifted; through prayer.  Philippians 4:6, 7 reminds us to pray, give thanks and make our requests known to God.  Yet what many glaze over in this section of the bible is that we are reminded by doing so, “Our hearts and minds will be guarded in Christ Jesus.”  In other words, the burdens of today, tomorrow and yesterday can all be lifted in one way-just pray.
                Through prayer this week, may you be granted the ability to live as though the places you go, the people you love and the things you have are gifts from God, not burdens to worry about.  He simply wants you to care for them, give thanks for them, and talk to Him about them.
                That’s how God operates.


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