How Do I Know When God is Speaking to Me?

How Do I Know?
                My family is at a crossroads in life right now.   (Actually we are at several crossroads.)  With the kids growing up and friends, and the “outside world” beginning to have more of an impact, my husband and I feel very strongly that the decisions we make over the next several months could have a long term impact on our family.
               Needless to say, we are desperate to make the right decisions and ensure that they are driven by God and not some underlying selfish desire on our part.  So what should we do when we really need to hear from God?
               I know from experience, the answer is multi-faceted.  Think about this; you or your kids may have been able to breeze through grade school and even high school doing the bare minimum and making pretty good grades.  Yet, when you embarked on your college years (especially in your major) it took more.  Earning that “A” grade wasn’t as simple as just showing up for class.  It took study time at home, participating in group projects.  Getting to know the professor and asking for help.
             The serious issues in our lives are much the same.  They require more than just prayer or church attendance.  Getting answers to life’s tough questions require daily study in His word. 
                There are certain things we do every day that “get us going” for the day.  Maybe it’s updating your Facebook status, watching the news, reading the paper, or getting your morning coffee.  We simply don’t feel ready to face the day until we’ve had that first cup.  Cultivating a lifestyle of reading God’s word every day for spiritual nourishment and satisfaction will go a long way to ensuring we hear Him speak when we need it most.
            It doesn’t stop with just reading God’s word, He wants to imprint it on our hearts, allow for it to become part of who we are.  Just like an old song might take you back to your first love, God longs for His word to take you back to your forever love; HIM.  Allow God’s word to rest in your soul and be imprinted upon your heart’s wall, so that you may draw from its riches in times of need.
            Finally, if you need to really hear from God; listen.  You’ve heard the term “active listening.”  Ensuring we are hearing God clearly requires active listening.  Not just hearing with your ears, but engaging and focusing your attention on God, his will plan for your life.
            Joshua was a man of God who heard him speak very clearly.  Here’s what God had to say to Joshua (and what He may be saying to you, today.)  “Study this Book of Instruction continually.  Meditate on it day and night so you will be sure to obey everything written in it.  Only then will you prosper and succeed in all you do.”  Joshua 1:8
           May you experience success and the blessings that flow from hearing God speak.


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