Jesus Calling

I’ve often heard stories of men and women literally hearing God speak to them.  Countless books offer near-death experiences and devotions such as Sarah Young’s “Jesus Calling” tell of personal encounters with a God who longs and yearns to speak  to those that love Him.
                It seems, the more we long for a clearer understanding of God/Jesus/The Holy Spirit, the more we are bombarded with things like the Easter Bunny and planting spring bulbs before it’s too late.
                Before you are overwhelmed with what to put in that Easter Basket, let me share with you what God wants you to know this Easter weekend.  The message is one of hope, not destruction.  It reminds us that with a closer walk with God we can do all things, for we are strengthened.
                After the resurrection, Jesus spoke, ate, walked with and encouraged those that He loved.  The messages He shared then can encourage and give us hope even today.  Below are the three themes that were shared as Jesus appeared to those He loved after His resurrection.
                “Do not be afraid” (Matthew 28:10).  We, as parents, teens, children living in such a crazy world need to hear this very message.  How much better do you feel when you take a problem to a trusting friend or family member and they tell you it’s going to be ok.  Jesus wants you to know that it’s going to be okay.
                “Peace to you” (Luke 28:36).  So much more than the typical greeting this phrase holds today.  When Jesus spoke it, it was an assurance, a promise that things would work out and He would remain with those He loved.  Couldn’t we all use the assurance that we’re not going to be left alone?  That when someone promises forever, they mean forever?  Jesus wants you to know that you will never be alone.
“Why are you troubled?  Why do doubts arise in your hearts?” (Luke 24:38).  Jesus reminded those He loved, and He reminds us today that He had just done what no one else had ever done before.
 He conquered and defeated the biggest and scariest battle on Earth; death.  He was now standing before them, not as a spirit or as a ghost but in the flesh (Luke 24:39).  If He could do that, there should no longer be room for doubt.
                The messages Jesus shared following His resurrection are just as powerful and relevant today as they were then.  If you struggle to hear a God who loves you and is here for you, know the message above is as personal for you as it was the disciples and friends of Jesus.   
                May you be blessed this Easter weekend to hear Jesus Calling. 


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