Make Your Resolution Last


                O.K., here we go.  Its resolution time again.  That time of year we begin to make those commitments to better our lives, save our money, and lose those extra pounds.  And if you fear yours won’t last you’re not alone. 

                Statistics tell us that our will power and determination to keep our resolutions lasts a whopping two weeks!  Can you believe that?  We have less will power now than we did twenty years ago.  Back then, we held our ground until at least mid-February.

                So what has happened?  The obvious, of course; technology, fast fixes and credit cards have left us (and our children) wanting what we want NOW!

                But that’s not our only hang up, especially where behavior changes are concerned.  We have made the mistake of relying on our own willpower, our own motivation and our own determination to keep us going in the midst of incredible temptations lurking around every corner.

                Picture this; your New Year’s Resolution is to save money, yet the biggest sales occur, not the day after Thanksgiving but in the months of January and February!

                Or, your resolution is to be more patient with your spouse and children, yet, due to the cold weather and snow the entire family stays hunkered down in a living room for eight weeks, filled with Christmas decorations that need to be packed away, and dust piling up all around from a non-stop furnace!

                And of course, there is the ever popular “I am going to lose fifty pounds this year if it kills me.”  (Well it just might if you’re relying on your own will power to get it done.)

                Our problem is not our resolutions, but the one we look to for help in achieving them.  The bible tells me that when I am weak, my God is strong (2 Cor. 12:10.)   It tells me that my bible is a useful tool for equipping me for all the good works God has planned for me (2 Timothy 3:16.)  And it also tells me that at just the right time, God will raise me up and strengthen me (1 Peter 5:10.)

                If you intend to make resolutions this year, might I suggest a couple of tools to add to your brand new work-out clothes and budgeting journal?  Prayer and a bible.  As we say in our equipped meetings, “I can do ALL things through Christ who gives me strength." (Phil.4:13.)  (And that includes losing weight and living healthy.)

                If you are interested in losing weight and living healthier this year, check out the Equipped Ministries blog at or find us on Facebook: for meeting times and locations.


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