Christmas Will Never Be the Same

                I know from personal experience that once a family loses a loved one, Christmas is never the same.  We are unable, (nor do we really want) to find the same joy we found in years past in the many traditions of Christmas.  Presents, shopping, baking etc., no longer lighten the mood and get us in the spirit the way they used too.  The one or ones we used to share these traditions with are no longer with us, so doing them brings little joy.
                The above is truer this year than ever before.  An entire community has lost their joy for Christmas.  We have lost little bakers in the kitchen, little voices in the Christmas musical, and quite possibly an entire cast for a holiday play.  Christmas will never be the same in Newtown, Connecticut.
                The unthinkable has happened yet again and we feel helpless to do anything about it.
 Upon first reading the headline last Friday morning “another school shooting,” I am ashamed to say that without reading the details, I turned my head.  “Not today, Lord,” I thought.  “I have plans to celebrate my nephew’s graduation from college, I can’t think about this today.”
                Later that day, well into the evening, my husband asked if I had heard.  As he proceeded to tell me, my knees nearly buckled and my heart broke.  Ashamed, that as I went about a normal fun-filled day, there were parents suffering, torn apart by the evil that is very present in this world.  Unable to even get to their precious little angels, due to the ongoing investigation. From that point on I watched. Not to act as the voyeur that I usually am, but to learn more about the forever changed families, begging God for unexplainable peace in the midst of tragedy, miracles buried in the pain.
                Just like always God has provided.  Over the course of the last few days, I have learned more about the little children of Sandy Hook Elementary.  The bright, creative, giving, empathetic, and energetic children, wise beyond their years.  Children, who were huge Victor Cruz fans, children who wanted to grow up and become firemen to protect others.
  And then there were the precious teachers and staff who ran toward the gunman and sacrificed their lives, so that others might live.  Could there be a better example of Jesus right here on Earth?
                Christmas will never be the same, and our only hope for finding joy at Christmastime is not the anticipation of Santa Claus and presents, but the greatest gift of all, the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ.
                 “For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given.  And the government shall be on His shoulders.  And He will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, and Prince of Peace.”  Isaiah 9:2, 6-7.
                No, Christmas will never be the same, but we can anticipate joy again.  Until then, we thank God for the following angels who now watch over their families and friends from heaven:
Charlotte Bacon-7, Daniel Barden-7, Jesse Lewis-6, Olivia Rose Engel-6, Josephine Gay-7,
 Madeline Hsu-6, Catherine Hubbard-6, Noah Pozner-6, Benjamin Wheeler-6, Anna Marque-Greene-6, James Matteoli-6, Grace Audrey McDonnell-7, Emile Parker-6, Jack Pinto-6, Chase Kowalski-7,
Caroline Previdi-6, Jessica Rekos-6, Allison Wyatt-6, Dylan Hockley-6, Avielle Richman-6,
 Rachel Davino-29, Dawn Hochspring (principal)-47, Anne Marie Murphy-52, Mary Sherlack-56,
 Victoria Soto-27, Lauren Rousseau-30
                As God says to us in His word, I believe these sweet angels say to us from heaven as well; “Don’t be afraid, for I am with you.  Don’t be discouraged.  I will strengthen you and help you.  I will hold you up with my victorious right hand.”  Isaiah 41:10


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