Pray; Don't Eat the Cake Batter

So I journaled my eating yesterday "live" on facebook and surprisingly the "aha" moment is coming this morning....Checking my messages while waiting for coffee to brew, a friend replied to my afternoon loss of control eating....(spoonfuls of cake batter while making cake for my husband...)  "You might be doing some emotional eating...."  My initial reaction was, "I'm the teacher, I would know if it was emotional eating, I just wanted cake batter!!"  But after a little soul searching, I realized she was right on the money...Although my day was not a disaster by any stretch of the imagination, it was slower and less hectic than most.  However, a few issues had crept up over the course of the morning and looking back I think I just let  them simmer a little too long and they erupted in cake batter.  Nothing major, just three growing and able children leaving groceries in the car because "mom can get them..." "grrrr"  Just three creative young minds "bored out of their minds" before summer even gets underway (it's May 25 for goodness sake!)   "rumble rumble."  Just three beautiful children pitching toddler fits because I ask them to put their clothes away and unload the dishwasher!  Kapow!  The cake batter has entered the mouth!
Wow!  What an epiphany!  What didn't I do here?  The first thing I tell the members of Equipped; Pray.  Pray about everything and pray without ceasing!  We all need reminders and I hope my "glitches" yesterday, help you avoid some "cake batter" today!  Thanks Cat for the "wake up call" this morning!
In Him and for Him,
"He will listen to the prayers of the destitute.  He will not reject their pleas." Psalm 102:17
Father, I pray that today you remove my temptations for unhealthy food;  hear my pleas and distract my impulses to eat without thinking and fill me with your spirit and presence so I that I may live healthy and fit for you.  Amen.


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