Go Ahead, Lose Control

I was reading a book the other day and came across a phrase that got my attention. “Abandon Control.” The phrase was being used in reference to a person’s continuing dilemma in life; giving God complete control over all areas in life.
The idea certainly made sense within the context of the book, yet when I really began to think about the idea of abandoning control, it seemed to completely go against most everything I have read and learned in school, books and magazines in terms of being a “balanced and successful” person.
Abandoning control is the polar opposite of what “successful” people do. “Successful” people have control of all areas in life. They have control of their finances, control of their tempers, and control of their futures. The notion of losing control conjures up failure, not success. A loss of one’s mind, or senses.
Dictionary.com even defines control as, “to exercise restraint or direction over; to hold in check.” All seem like good, solid advice. The world encourages gaining more and more control in life. Gain more control of oneself, finances, family, weight, health, and so on.
Abandoning control in these areas would certainly do more harm, than good, wouldn’t it? Yet, as I began to explore what the bible says about control, abandoning control seems the only way to navigate this crazy world.
The bible says, “You are a slave to whatever controls you.” 2 Peter 2:19
I can think of many things I do not want to be a slave of. Finances, worry, and weight top the list. I can think of only one thing that would benefit me to be a slave to; Jesus Christ. I look at some of the most inspiring writers in the bible and their close relationships with Jesus. Nearly all of them (Jude, James, Paul) refer to themselves as “slave of Christ.”
One thing is for sure; no matter the issue (family, finances, food, etc.,) I will always lose control at some point, so why not give it over to God.
One other verse reminds me of the need for me to give everything to God. Job, whom lost everything he had, including his family, finances, and future, reminds us,
“Do you know how God controls the storm?” Job 37:15.
Storms take many references in life, yet the bible reminds that to be a truly “successful” person I need to heed only one piece of advice:
Abandon Control! Why? Because, God’s got it ALL under control.May you be blessed with the ability to completely Lose Control today.


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