Have A Magical Day

Have a “Magical” Day
Sitting here, I have just returned from a truly “magical” vacation. After planning, saving, investigating, saving, talking with friends, and saving, my husband and I took the plunge and made the trip all families are “supposed” to take in their lifetime. Disney World.
Waiting until just the right time (actually, there is no right time) but our children are 10, 8, and 4, we decided this was it. Assuming we’d do it only once, simply to say we had, we embarked on the 14-hour drive with high hopes.
We were not disappointed. As we entered the Magic Kingdom that first day, we all eagerly searched for the “Cinderella castle” (as my youngest refers to it) strategically positioned behind the train station. As we rounded the corner, we were, as they say breathless.
What awaited us on this six-day journey was truly the trip of a lifetime. The characters, rides, shows, food, atmosphere, were all wildly above and beyond our expectations.
Not to say it was without sacrifice. The “sticker shock” upon arrival at dinner the first night gave us pause. Yet after settling into the idea of where we were and what we were doing, it was as if the “pixie dust” settled right over our heads and our days and nights were filled with magic and memories from that moment on.
As I walked through the magical parks day after day, I couldn’t help but compare my walk with Christ to this trip. If man can create such magic and happiness in an amusement park, what magic awaits me if I settle in to who I am in Christ and make the sacrifices of giving up things I could live without to experience the magic and happiness He has waiting for me?
Although I have known Jesus my whole life, I have only recently made the necessary sacrifices it takes to truly experience his “magic” in my life. Fearing giving up “worldly behaviors” I hung onto for happiness, I was unable to embark on the trip of a lifetime. I experienced bits and pieces of magic, yet never truly submerged myself in the experience.
Much like Disney World. In the past, I have experienced the magic of Disney movies and trips to the Disney store, but nothing compares to being there and surrounding yourself in the magic 24/7.
I have to wonder, how can I experience God’s magic 24/7? Much like planning for a trip to Disney. Sacrifice the worldly behaviors that only provide a temporary escape, seek advice and friendship from those who have “been there, done that” and were successful, and submerge myself fully in Him and His word.
Doing that is sure to provide me with a truly “magical day.”
“Now all glory to God, who is able, through his mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might as or think.” Ephesians 3:20


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