Do You Need a Fresh Start?
I think we can all answer that question with a resounding “YES” from time to time. A fresh start signifies a new chance, a better opportunity; a clean slate. My mother really believes in the power of fresh starts. Growing up, if I was ever hurting due to a broken relationship, job or school frustration, she would be the first to say, “Why don’t you go get your hair cut or something? It will make you feel better.” She was right (so long as I liked the new do)! A haircut, new outfit or simple change-of-pace, are all small, yet they have more impact than they’re given credit for at times. The problem for most of us is that we wait for the major events in life to start fresh; Mondays, New Year’s Day, college, divorce and even death . In our weight loss meetings at Equipped, we continually remind our members, “You get a fresh start with every bite!” In other words, every time the fork comes to your mouth, you have a new chance to start over, make a new and better choice. Eat different or simply eat less. Life is much the same. We are not required to wait until life’s rollercoaster flips us upside down, to decide we want to get on a new ride. A regular “fresh start” may help us avoid the rollercoaster all together (for those of us who no longer appreciate being flipped upside down at 80 miles an hour!) Every time we open our mouths, get into our car or turn on the television, we have the opportunity to start fresh! We get the chance to say the right thing (or keep our mouth closed), go to the right place (or stay home), and watch the right program (doesn’t exist, so keep the T.V. off and open your bible)! Sadly, just over three weeks ago, my husband, children and I were forced into a “fresh start” of sorts. We had a terrible accident in our home. My husband accidentally ran over our baby kitten! It had been sleeping on his back tire! We were devastated! Telling the kids and consoling the mama cat were difficult to say the least. However, without ever really having a conversation about it, we realized that through this tragic accident we had been given a “fresh start”! I don’t know about you, but life is pretty chaotic at times in our home. Busy schedules, small children and the ever rising cost of living can really take a toll on your patience and perspective. The small sacrifice of this precious animal led us to re-evaluate what’s most important: Life and time with family! Clean living rooms and cars and indoor voices don’t really matter in the big picture! In the last three weeks, we have enjoyed magic shows in the living room (that we didn’t clean up for days), extremely loud dinner conversations (I had no idea how much my kids knew about what goes on in our neighborhood), and mama cat has a new bed; the top of my husband’s new Jeep Wrangler Unlimited! Do you need a fresh start? Take the opportunity this week to say the right thing to your husband, kids, parents and co-workers. Attend the church service you’ve been putting off, or join us at Equipped. We’re always looking for others to continue our health and wellness journey with! Still feeling a little unsure? Pray about it. Here’s what God has to say about your fresh start: “And I will give you a new heart, and I will put a new spirit in you. I will take out your stony, stubborn heart and give you a tender, responsive heart” Ezekiel 36:26. Here’s to your fresh start: It starts now!
I think we can all answer that question with a resounding “YES” from time to time. A fresh start signifies a new chance, a better opportunity; a clean slate. My mother really believes in the power of fresh starts. Growing up, if I was ever hurting due to a broken relationship, job or school frustration, she would be the first to say, “Why don’t you go get your hair cut or something? It will make you feel better.” She was right (so long as I liked the new do)! A haircut, new outfit or simple change-of-pace, are all small, yet they have more impact than they’re given credit for at times. The problem for most of us is that we wait for the major events in life to start fresh; Mondays, New Year’s Day, college, divorce and even death . In our weight loss meetings at Equipped, we continually remind our members, “You get a fresh start with every bite!” In other words, every time the fork comes to your mouth, you have a new chance to start over, make a new and better choice. Eat different or simply eat less. Life is much the same. We are not required to wait until life’s rollercoaster flips us upside down, to decide we want to get on a new ride. A regular “fresh start” may help us avoid the rollercoaster all together (for those of us who no longer appreciate being flipped upside down at 80 miles an hour!) Every time we open our mouths, get into our car or turn on the television, we have the opportunity to start fresh! We get the chance to say the right thing (or keep our mouth closed), go to the right place (or stay home), and watch the right program (doesn’t exist, so keep the T.V. off and open your bible)! Sadly, just over three weeks ago, my husband, children and I were forced into a “fresh start” of sorts. We had a terrible accident in our home. My husband accidentally ran over our baby kitten! It had been sleeping on his back tire! We were devastated! Telling the kids and consoling the mama cat were difficult to say the least. However, without ever really having a conversation about it, we realized that through this tragic accident we had been given a “fresh start”! I don’t know about you, but life is pretty chaotic at times in our home. Busy schedules, small children and the ever rising cost of living can really take a toll on your patience and perspective. The small sacrifice of this precious animal led us to re-evaluate what’s most important: Life and time with family! Clean living rooms and cars and indoor voices don’t really matter in the big picture! In the last three weeks, we have enjoyed magic shows in the living room (that we didn’t clean up for days), extremely loud dinner conversations (I had no idea how much my kids knew about what goes on in our neighborhood), and mama cat has a new bed; the top of my husband’s new Jeep Wrangler Unlimited! Do you need a fresh start? Take the opportunity this week to say the right thing to your husband, kids, parents and co-workers. Attend the church service you’ve been putting off, or join us at Equipped. We’re always looking for others to continue our health and wellness journey with! Still feeling a little unsure? Pray about it. Here’s what God has to say about your fresh start: “And I will give you a new heart, and I will put a new spirit in you. I will take out your stony, stubborn heart and give you a tender, responsive heart” Ezekiel 36:26. Here’s to your fresh start: It starts now!
So sad about the kitten, but one of lifes lessons. Glad it turned into a teaching moment for everyone.