Malachi 3:6 Do you have "issues?"

"I am the Lord thy God, and I do not change. That is why you, the descendants of Jacob are not already destroyed." Malachi 3:6

Do you have "issues?" Most of us can answer that question with a resounding "YES, with a capital YES!" But have we ever really thought about why we have "issues?" Most of us have "issues" of one form or another because of chaos and change in our lives where there should have been consistencey and peace. A lack of stability, where a firm foundation should have been laid. Fear, where safety should have existed. The absence of love, where there should have been an abundance. Because, "issues" have touched all of us God reminds us in His word that He does not change! He is "the same, yesterday, today and forever." Hebrews 13:8 God offers me the consistency and stability I need. There is no need for me to attempt to create it on my own, He is ready and waiting to give it to me. Did you know that most addictions (including food) are created out of a need for stability and a longing for peace where chaos exists, or has existed. Drugs like food, alcohol, shopping, gambling are a refuge for those of us longing to escape the chaos of abuse, instability, lack of love and nurturing. Has your drug of choice left you broke? Full of shame, remorse and regret? Unhealthy and overweight? If so, there is hope! Stability and consistency await! I have "gambled with many of the above drugs and know firsthand the wreckage they leave behind...My drug of choice today? Jesus Christ! Go ahead get drunk on Him...There is plenty to go around! And don't worry about tomorrow, you won't wake up with the guilt, shame, hangover or wonder what you did last night!
May you experience a whole new "high" today! Courtesy of Jesus Christ!
Thanks for reading, and thank you Jesus for saving me!
In His Amazing, Life-Changing Power and Love,


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