Day Twenty Six- Exodus 14:13

"Don't be afraid. Just stand still and watch the Lord rescue you today!" Exodus 14:13
That is a heavy statement for sure. As I sit and type, I ponder about all the ways God could rescue me and so many of my friends and family today. I sit here concerned and hurting for broken relationships of close family members. Concerned for tormented and tortured souls caused by drug and alcohol addiction. My heart even breaks for a Hollywood star so far gone, there is only one way out for him, and by all accounts and ramblings, he has no relationship with the only one who can save him! Concerned for financial burdens of friends and family. Concerned for spiritual walks with God. Concerned, of course for the health, wellness and weight loss of so many beautiful people I am blessed to call friends and meet with every week. And, concerned for my own state of agitation. Agitation once again regarding my busy schedule, direction God has for my life, and future of my own family....Am I following Him? Being obedient to His plans for my life? Will I receive the blessings He so readily wants to supply? Prior to sitting down to write this devotion, I have been rattled by the always present irritations of cyber space: potential viruses keep popping up on my computer screen, navigation to various sites appears to be taking light years (precious time, I don't readily have.) I continually seem to get caught up in the daily activities of those on Facebook? (Should it really matter to me, whether or not people "like" what I post?) And there is the always exciting article, I find I must read about "what not to eat and why!" For days, I feel God has been calling me to "Be still!" "Be still!" "Be still!" Be still and watch him rescue me from the worry, the agony and the pain. In this 24/7 world, the thought of sitting still seems to most to be a waste of time. But not in God's plan. Unless, I am still, I cannot always readily hear what God is saying to me. Unless I am still, He knows, I am not giving Him my full attention. (How many of us can remember recently speaking to our loved one while they were watching t.v. or playing a video game and thinking to ourselves: "I know he/she is not really paying attention to me!") God has vital reasons for wanting you to "be still." "Be still and know that I am God." Psalm 46:10, "You will not even need to fight. Take your positions; then stand still and watch the Lord's victory." 2 Chronicles 20:17. Are you tired of fighting? Tired of going in circles, with little or no success? Try something new today: Be still....
May God bless your beautiful day with a quiet peace filled with His voice! He has mine, and I am thankful!
Thanks for reading!


  1. I think "being still" is one of the hardest things for us Christians to do. But I do believe it's one of the most important things we can do to build our relationship with our Lord.


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