Day Twenty-Nine Matthew 6:33

"Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and all these things will be added unto you." Matthew 6:33
Think about the following scenarios and your first response or "gut instinct"
  • Your child spikes a fever? (Call the doctor)
  • The gas and grocery prices just shot up again for the third straight week! (Get the check book out and start making some serious budgets adjustments
  • Unexpected diagnosis from the doctor? (Get on the internet and do some research for yourself)
  • Your day, your children and you are completely "frazzled"? (Get in the medicine cabinet and find the zoloft)

Sound familiar? They do for me. I claim them all at one point or another in my life! Do you know what they all have in common? I found very little hope or long-term peace in the doctor, the checkbook, the internet (in fact, this is one place I don't suggest you go looking for peace or answers....) or the Zoloft. I did, however, find the peace and answers in "seeking the Kingdom of God first." Truly I did. Not overnight, in most instances, but overtime. I've known of this verse for most of my life. It's a verse that is a favorite of a dear role model in my life. A deacon in my church who has known me since I was a little girl. "Seek ye first the kingdom of God...." he would say in Sunday School class. "In everything..." He couldn't really mean everything could he. Seek God first in church and in the way I treat others, and my behavior, sure. But the gas prices? The diagnosis? The anxiety? Yes! Yes! And Yes! Have we forgotten that our God is a God of miracles? And do we not understand, that unless we believe he will, he won't! Why should he? If we don't think that he can, or will, he won't get the credit if he does!!! So we fall back on what we know....Take another look at the checkbook, take another pill, investigate another website. The answers must be there! The answers are there, my friend. "In black and white, and red all over!" God wants to be your miracle worker, you just have to seek him first! So the next time your child spikes a fever? Sure, call the doctor, but pray over your child first! Tomorrow when gas prices rise? Rethink your budget, but ask God's guidance first! The unexpected diagnosis? Seek the specialist and the support you need, but seek your true healing from God! By the way, if you do the above, chances are you won't need the Zoloft after all!

May you be blessed, by seeking God before anything or anyone else!

Thanks for reading!




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