Day Twenty-Eight 1 Peter 5:10

"So after you have suffered a little while, he will restore, support, and strenghten you, and place you on a firm foundation." 1 Peter 5:10
Restore- To bring back or to establish again
Support- To hold something up in order to keep it from falling
Strenthen-The act of building up strenth and power and toughness
So after you have suffered a little while, He will bring you back, hold you up and keep you from falling and build up your strength and power.....
firm-Strong and solid
foundation-A solid structure on which something is built
....and place you on a strong and solid structure.."
Could you use a little help right about now? Going through something you never thought you'd have to face? (At least not this soon..) Dealing with a diagnosis, a broken heart, discouraged and disgusted regarding your inability to stick to your weight loss plan (again?) I know a doctor who specializes in all the above. He's been in practice for thousands of years, and still makes house calls. Don't have insurance, you say? Don't worry, He doesn't charge! What's His name, you ask? Many of His patients call Him the "Great Physician." He's been known to move mountains, heal disease for no apparent reason, and fix the broken hearts that didn't appear mendable.
He can heal you too. There is one thing though: He will ask one thing of you during your visit. He will ask you to believe what He tells you and follow his treatment plan. Can you do that?
Your suffering is only for a little while, my friend. I have been as deep in the valley as I care to go anytime soon, and it was at that moment, through a dear friend, that God gave me the verse, I share with you today. Your God is anxious to move your mountains, keep your sky from falling and place you on a firm foundation where you can become brand new!I pray you make an appointment with my doctor today: Call on Him, He's got openings all day! Right now in fact! He healed me! (I still see Him regularly, still have many issues....but we're working on them!) My doctor is your doctor, and if He can heal me, He can heal you too!
Thanks for reading!


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