Day Twenty-Psalm 33:22

"Let your unfailing love surround us, Lord, for our "HOPE" is in you alone." Psalm 33:22 (emphasis mine)

Hope! A word I don't don't give much credence to until it's gone. I wonder if I truly understand the power of hope. The necessity of hope. And, most importantly, where hope originates. Sadly, for many of us, our hopes find their meaning in people and things. Hopelessness only comes when my focus is shifted from Christ to "something," or "someone else" to ensure my happiness, satisfaction and success. Often, I invest my hopes in someone to change to ensure my satisfaction. "If you change you lifestyle and habits, I will be satisfied." Or, if "something" happens, I will be successful. "If I could just get a raise, or a better job, I will get out of debt." Or, "I" get in the way of my happiness and success. "If I wasn't so lazy, had more self-discipline, or didn't eat that last night, I would lose weight." You see, our focus in each of these areas has one thing in common! There is No God in any of these scenarios! And without God, I have No hope! The bible tells me that "The Lord watches over those who fear him, those who rely on his unfailing love." By investing my thoughts and energy in "others," and "things," I have placed my "hope" in "them" and "that" and not Jesus! Today I encourage all of us to stop relying and focusing on thoughts, people, and things to change in order for me to feel fulfilled, happy, and successful! Begin relying on Christ to supply our EVERY satisfaction, happiness and success! If you are struggling with debt, stop waiting and wishing to win the lottery and thank God right now for rescuing you from the pit of money problems! If you are struggling in a relationship, stop waiting for the person to change and thank God right now for changing you, and rescuing you from the hopelessness of the situation. And, if you are struggling right now with weight, stop beating yourself up over your "lack of willpower," and thank God right now for His intervention and power to work through you to make you successful! What have you got to lose by doing this? Hopelessness! What have you got to gain? HOPE, direction, success and happiness! I call that pure satisfaction!
May you find renewed "hope" today "In Christ alone!"
Thanks for reading
"Why am I discouraged? Why is my heart so sad? I will put my "HOPE" in God! I will praise him again-my Savior and my God!" Psalm 42:5 (emphasis mine.)


  1. Great reminder to give our struggles to our Lord. Sometimes we don't want to "bother" God, we think it's way too trivial to involve him. He really wants to give us that hope though. Thanks for sharing!


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