Day Twenty-One Galatians 6:9

"So let's not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time, we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don't give up." Galatians 6:9
"I'm not giving up! I'm simply not! I have come too far to give up now!" Now that's the attitude I love to see. After sharing in the weight loss journeys of hundreds of men and women over the past five years, one thing is for sure. That attitude will see success! When I hear statements like that, I send up a special praise to God, knowing He is right in the middle of changing someone forever! Do we have that attitude in the areas God is working on us? Here's how to find out. Ask yourself these questions: When I am struggling with my (weight-loss, finances, marriage, etc) do I say to myself "I'm not giving up! No way! I've worked to hard! I will make it through!" (My power scripture here: "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.") Phil. 4:13
Or, is my response more like, "This is too hard!" "I can't do this!" I will never make it through!' It's just not worth the work!" (No, power scripture here, I can't find anything in God's word that backs up giving up!)
The bible does tell me that my work will be hard, my journey sometimes (often times) difficult, but at "Just the right time" I will experience the "harvest of blessing!" Something which my old lifestyle had none of. The harvest in debt, weight problems, relationship problems? A harvest of guilt and shame. The harvest God wants to provide? "He will provide and increase your resources, and then produce a great harvest of generosity in you." 2 Corinthians 9:10. In other words, He wants to supply us with all the resources we need for success and then allow us to help our brothers, sisters, parents, children and friends find the harvest He has created for them. Can't you just picture a life filled with family and friends living out God's plan for them? Where does it start? It starts with me saying, "I'm not giving up!" I'm simply not!" I've come to far to give up now!"
May you find the attitude of "not giving up" and begin to live out the plan God has for your life, more than ever!
Thanks for reading!
In His love,


  1. Great post! I hate doing the work, but it's so true that God uses that to better us!


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