Day Twenty-Four Jude 1:20

"Pray in the power of the Holy Spirit, and await the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ...."
Jude 1:21-21

I often run into people I knew when I was a leader with Weight Watchers. They often ask, "Why did you leave Weight Watchers?" My answer has always been the same. I will always be thankful to Weight Watchers for helping me with my weight loss back in 2005-2006, but the truth is that I approached my weight loss differently this time. I believed then and now that two factors were responsible for my weight loss at the time. One, I despereately wanted the weight to come off and knew it would. (I had never felt that before. There had always been doubt and insincerity on my part. This time, I was sure it would happen, and I was going to invest the time and energy, no matter how long it took!) Second, I prayed! I mean really prayed! And very specifically. I remember praying one evening before bed, "Lord, if you help me lose the weight this time, I promise to do everything in my power to glorify and praise you for it!" Wow! Thinking back now to that prayer, and where God has brought me because of it, gives me chills! My prayer life has transformed greatly over the past few years and I believe the way we pray is just as important as the fact that we are praying. Too often we underestimate our prayers and what they will do! The bible tells me that if I ask for something and believe I have received it, it will be mine. (Matthew 21:22) It also says that I can ask for mountains to be moved and if I believe they will, they Will! (Mark 11:23) We believe, we say, but do we? So often, we pray pleading and asking God for healing, mercy and redemption, wondering in the back of our minds if our prayers will be answered. "Does my nephew deserve to get out of jail?" " Can I really find a better job?" "Is it possible for my family to really heal?" "Can I really lose this weight?" The truth is, if I am asking God to take care of it, then I should leave it there! If I am asking God to heal, don't back it up by asking Him if it's possible! Because as far as we are concerned, it isn't! That's why He is God and we are NOT! He can do so much more than we could ever ask or think! (Ephesians 3:20.) I pray today that your prayer life is transformed. Change your prayers from "Please" to "Thank you!" and watch how God changes your life! (And your weight!)
May you be blessed in your prayer walk today!
Thanks for still reading!


  1. That is so true about prayers! Thanks for sharing your weight watchers story.


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