Day Twenty Five- Psalm 23:1

"The Lord is my shepherd..." Psalm 23:1
Have you ever wondered why the bible uses the comparison of the shepherd and sheep to our relationship with God? Did you know that of all the animals God created, the sheep has always been defined as the one who is least able to care for himself. And, sheep have been identified as "dumb and defenseless." (Max Lucado, 2000.) Hmmm? What does that say about us? Well, although dumb, defenseless, and unable to care for myself, it says nothing about my intelligence. And quite frankly, sheep seem pretty intelligent to me. Smart enough to follow their shepherd! And realize, that if they do, they will be taken care of! Every meal provided, housing secured, and safety ensured! Only one request: Stay close and follow the shepherd! The shepherd knows when the land is becoming barren and leads the sheep to a new place filled with beautiful green pastures. Just like my Lord knows when my life is barren and unfruitful, and if I follow Him, he will lead me to a new land where I can be fruitful and serve Him. The shepherd leads the flock down into the valley, and although they fear the walk, realize it is for their greater good and safety. Just like my Lord sometimes leads me down into the valley, and although I fear the pain of the journey and unknown, He uses it for His greater good and keeps me safe. When the time is right, the shepherd leads his flock up to the mountain top, to experience the beauty, harvest and warmth. And when I am ready, my Lord leads me to the mountaintop and shows me the beauty, mercy, blessings and love only he can provide!
My prayer for us this week is that we follow our good shepherd. Realize, that without Jesus we are defenseless and helpless, but with Him as our guiding force in life, we will be led to the greenest pastures and most beautiful mountaintops!
May you have the blessing of a beautiful journey this week!
Remember, Christ to be your shepherd results in:
"The Lord is my shepherd, I SHALL NOT WANT!" Psalm 23:1
Thanks for reading!
In His amazing love,


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