Day Seventeen-Romans 7:21

"I have discovered this principle of life-that when I want to do what is right, I inevitably do what is wrong." Romans 7:21

Did Paul write this or did I? Could he read my mind? Did he know that my biggest struggles in life would lie within the confines of this verse? Can you relate? Why is this? It defies logic. I can understand "wanting" to do wrong, and doing wrong. But, "wanting" to do right, and doing wrong? "It doesn't make good sense," (as my mother would say.) Yet, for many of us the answer lies within one word: Satisfaction! Experts tell us that when we continually participate in a behavior or situation, that we are struggling to change or eliminate from our lives, we continue the behavior because of some deep seeded satisfaction that we are receiving. Even if the consequences of the behavior are negative! If I ponder on this long enough, I quickly realize this concept to be true for me. In the past, I would find pleasure in "happy hours" and "partying" with friends. Realizing the negative consequences of my behavior, along with the distinct feeling God did not want alcohol in my life, I continued. Why? I wanted to stop, but the short-term effects of drinking and habitual lifestyle that accompanied the behavior kept me from doing so. I am forever greatful to God for his grace and power in my life for removing this behavior for me. I remember distinctly praying one day while driving home, "God if you want me to stop this, you are going to have to take it, because, I am not so sure I "want" to stop!" Miraculously, (and I do believe it was a mircle,) He did! I believe God's answer to my prayer lies a little further in our scripture: "Who will free me from this life that is dominated by sin and death? Thank God! The answer is in Jesus Christ our Lord" Romans 7:24-25. I believe God answered my prayer, because I called out to him! Our dilemna? When we are struggling to "want" to give up a certain behavior, or lifestyle, we most certainly aren't crying out for deliverance. We don't "want" to stop, because of the short-term satisfaction we are receiving, and we fear the drastic changes that will take place if I do change. Will I lose friends? Family? Fun? Take it from one who's been there. We gain far more than we stand to lose when following the will of Christ! What behavior are you struggling to "want" to give up today, but distinctly feel God is calling you to change? Overeating? Over spending? Envy? Gossip? Gambling? Drinking? Anger? Jealousy? Lust?
Call on God today, as I did over five years ago, praying:
"Dear Lord, I know this behavior is detrimental to me, my family, my co-workers and most of all to my walk with you Lord. You know my heart, and you know that I don't really have the true desire to stop or change. So if you want this behavior out of my life, please, please, take it from me, so that I may grow closer to you and use my transformation for your glory. I praise you right now for changing me and working this miracle in my life.
In Jesus's precious name I pray, Amen."
May God deliver a miracle in your life today and change, or take away a behavior that is hindering your walk with Him.
As Always, I am blessed to share His work in my life with you!
Thanks for reading!
In Him,
"Sin is no longer your master, for you no longer live under the requirements of the law. Instead, you live under the freedom of God's grace." Romans 6:14


  1. I love that you posted the prayer that helped you. Sometimes we don't know what to say to our Lord for help. When I have trouble praying, there's a song that I sort of speak to him that's a prayer. It helps me to get focused to really connect with God.


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