Day Nineteen-Luke 5:4

"Now, go out where it is deeper, and let down your nets to catch some fish." Luke 5:4

"I don't think I can handle another round of snow." "I won't make it through another dreary day without sunshine." "I need a vacation-in the Caribbean!" These are my thoughts, not yours. I cannot read minds. (Don't tell my children that though, they think I can!) Yet if we share these thoughts, I don't think we are alone. The apostles weren't alone either in their frustrations and anxiety. After all, they had fished ALL night with absolutely NO catch! Nothing! Zilch! Zero! Ready to "throw in the net," Jesus tells them to give it one more shot, one more try. In addition, He tells them to do it differently this time. "Now go out where it is deeper and let down your nets to catch some fish." Luke 5:4. With all do respect, Jesus didn't seem to understand the situation. He didn't really "get" the predicament that they were in. (Ever feel like He doesn't seem to "get" you or the seriousness your problems either?) What Jesus was asking defied the logic of professional fishermen, like Peter, James and John for many reasons: 1)It was day time and the fish had now resorted to the bottom of the lake, 2)Their nets were not capable of "going deep" as Jesus was requesting, 3)Need we remind Jesus again, that they had fished ALL night? Yet, thankfully Simon Peter was there, the devout follower of Jesus. "Master, we worked all night and didn't catch a thing. But if you say so, I'll let the nets down again." And do you know what happened? Upon pulling up the nets again, they were so full, they began to tear! At just the right time, Jesus provided more than they could've ask for, (or thought possible for that matter!) Why? They listened! They obeyed! Regardless of what logic and "professional backgrounds" told them.
God is doing that today for us! If you are reading this devotion in real time, you know how dreary it has been in Northern Kentucky for the past few days. No sunshine, just cold, rainy, snowy, dreary weather! Yet today, as I walked our dog this morning, I experienced the most beautiful sunshine peaking out above the trees and whispering to me, "Here I am, just when you need me!"
God beckons us today, to listen, obey, and "do it differently" this time. Regardless of what logic and "professionals" may say. Whatever your challenges in life may be (food, spending, relationships,) listen for Christ's direction today; not Dr. Phil, Dr. Oz, or your "counselor" in the cubicle next to you. I am going to ask you to defy what most everyone says to do in the winter time in Northern Kentucky: Stay inside! Instead, with the sun shining, take that as God's call for you to go outside and enjoy his creation, if only for a moment. Listen, and "be still and know..." By doing so, may you feel renewed, refreshed, and energized to face your day and all it's challenges. Listen, obey, and in the words of Peter, respond to Jesus, "If you say so Lord, I will."
Enjoy the sunshine, and enjoy your "catch!"
Thanks for reading,
In Him,
"Now all glory to God, who is able, through his mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think." Ephesians 3:20


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