Day Fourteen-Matthew 4:4

"People do not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God." Matthew 4:4
Temptation, temptation, temptation! It comes in so many forms, and not just food! It comes when I am tempted to gossip about the neighbor, with the other neighbor. It comes when I am tempted to spend money that I really don't have. To have a drink, or take a pill, to numb or cover up an issue that I should be looking to resolve in the arms of my God instead. It comes when I am tempted exaggerate about my accomplishments as a homeschooling mom or "leader of a well respected and large weight loss company in the Greater Cincinnati area!" Did I just exaggerate that?? At times, my temptations seem unending, and yes, food is one at the forefront. How do I deal with my temptations regarding food? Shamefully, sometimes, not very productively: I give in, get angry, give in, get depressed, give in.....You get the picture. I was reminded of a very powerful quote yesterday, "You can't change your life, until you change something you do everyday!" In other words, if I am to conquer the monster of temptation, I must change my plan of attack. How? By looking at the only one in history who was successful in the battle of temptation. Jesus! In a very short, stern and outwardly spoken sentence consisting of only five words, Jesus conquered temptation. "Get out of here Satan!" (Mt. 4:10) That was it! What followed, was Jesus's mission in life (and ours too): "You must worship the Lord your God and serve only Him!" The bible tells me that, with this command, "The devil went away, and angels came and took care of Jesus." (vs. 11) Just what I need! The devil to leave and the angels to come in and take care of me. Our new plan of attack for temptation? Outwardly calling out Satan. Not just thinking it, saying it. Jesus did! So the next time you are faced with food, lust, debt, or whatever tactic Satan uses on you, call him out! Out loud! "Satan get out! I will worship my Lord and God and serve only Him!" And watch the angels come out! (You might have to whisper if you're at work or in the mall, but whisper as loud as you can!) :)
Thanks for reading!
Love in Him,


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