Day Eighteen-Psalm 133:1

"How wonderful and pleasant it is when brothers live together in harmony." Psalms 133:1

Harmony. What a sweet sounding word. Hearing it, just makes me think that everything is right. Everything has it's place, everything is in it's place, and everything is working together in perfect cooperation. Making perfect sense. A beautiful harmony. Sound like your life? Mine neither. At the moment, the only harmony I am hearing is the sound of popcorn kernels crunching underneath my feet, the remnants of four bags of varying flavors of popcorn (science experiment.) A partially naked three year-old is running from her brother, as she has just confiscated his batman toy. (The harmony there? Her voice! She has quite the scream! If you were fortunate enough to live within a one-mile radius of me, you could hear it too!) And my nine-year old is pounding on the keyboard downstairs, yelling, because she can't get the song right and she has piano practice in just over an hour! I've had about all the harmony I can stand for a dreary Monday in early February! Can I get an Amen? (And some cheese with my wine!!)
Yet, when I step back and really listen, it is a beautiful harmony. God has blessed me with a life I am so thankful for, and have so longed for, although I didn't realize it, just a few short years ago. The harmony I pictured for my life ten years ago as a newlywed? Staying home with my children early on, was always a plan for my husband and I. But homeschooling? No Way, with a capital NO! I did not (do not) have the patience for the homeschooling life. (Last time I checked, there wasn't a homeschooling mother who did!) And, I had big plans for my career. My degree is in Mental Health and Human Services and once my children were all back in school, I was going to go back to counseling, (studying it, not getting it,) get my Masters Degree and change the world! One mental health problem at a time. Starting of course, with my own family. God has different plans for us than what we think sometimes. And when we can't hear his voice, can't feel his presence, we miss out on the harmony he has planned for our lives. God has plans for success, not failure, hope and a great future (Jeremiah 29:11) How do we find that plan? Seek him and his word everyday! I have been asked where ideas come for devotions. Yes, they do often include my own home and life experiences, but more importantly they find their meaning in scripture. The plans and promises from Christ just for me. He has them for you too! And they read like beautiful music! By the way, the journaling and devotions? Simply a miracle from God (and an intervention from my sweet "heavenly" brother) I found no harmony in writing before Jimmy went to heaven. Now, it's therapy, direction and inspiration for me! Looking for the harmony in your life? Find it, in God's loving, open arms, and His open word!
Can you hear the music? (Sorry, that's the keyboard downstairs again...)
I pray you hear some beautiful music today!
Thanks for reading!
In His Love,


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