Day Twenty-Two-Psalm 37:4

"Take delight in the Lord, and He will give you your heart's desires."

So I fulfilled my commitment. I blogged for 21 days straight. The reason? Two-fold; 1) To encourage others in their journey of health and wellness, by providing scripture and life situations to motivate and inspire. 2) To explore and test the theory that it take 21 days for something to really become a habit in our lives, a behavior that, if we have incorporated, we now find difficult to change, or stop. The result? Well, if you have kept up with the daily readings, you will judge for yourself whether or not they were helpful to your journey, but as for the second part, I have clearly come to enjoy and feel as though journaling in this form is a part of my daily routine. And very therapeutic and meaningful for me. It forces me to explore behaviors and attitudes God is calling me to work on and share testimonies of the wonderful ways He has worked in my life. Not to mention, the fact that I feel somewhat transparent as I write and that has deepened my desire to live out the life I write and journal about more fully. My last journal entry was three days ago, and I can without a doubt tell you that for two days, I have felt as though something were missing, or I had forgotten to do something. Although, I thought about journaling, in my mind I had told myself, "You fulfilled your commitment, take a break, take it easy. You don't need to journal to be successful!" Interestingly, that is the exact thing I tell myself too often on my health and wellness journey. "You don't need to journal to be successful! You can lose weight without journaling!" That may be true, but something else is true as well. I can (and often do) forget many of the things I am putting in my body when I am not journaling, and when the weight doesn't come off, I am left to wonder, "what happened? I didn't eat that much!" The same is true in other areas of our lives. When we don't exercise, spend time with loved ones, spend time in the bible, why are we left feeling like something is missing? It reminds me of the saying, "Feeling far away from God? Who moved?" When our walk with God changes, when our health and wellness deteriorates, when the weight is not coming off, we must face the fact that "something is missing! something has changed!" It's not easy to live this lifestyle, but it's much harder to live in the prison of unhealthy living; the guilt, shame, lack of energy etc. It's not easy to commit to studying the bible everyday, and journal my walk with Jesus. But it's much harder to feel separated from Him! I long to feel close, and the closer I get, the closer I want to be! (That's how weight loss is too! So, don't stop now! The closer you get, the more consistent you are, the more it will become part of you!)
May God bless your day with determination and a desire to make healthy living your lifestyle; everyday!
I pray He continues to make blogging my journey with Him part of mine!
Thanks for reading!
In His love,
"Commit everything you do to the Lord. Trust him, and he will help you." Psalm 37:5


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