Day Ten- 2 Corinthians 12:9

"So now I am glad to boast about my weaknesses, so that the
power of Christ can work through me."
2 Corinthians 12:9

Really? Boast and brag about something I am NOT good at? Who does that? I know Plenty (notice the capitol "P"?) of people (including yours truly) who are thrilled to boast about things we are good at, have accomplished, overcome etc. But brag about something we are not good at? Not a chance! What good will that do? That just brings me down a notch in your eyes, lets you see the "real me." Not a very pretty picture either (especially without the make-up..) So why would I do that? For exactly the reason Paul states: so that the Power of Christ can work through me! 2 Corinthinans has been identified as Paul's most personal letter. A very human account of the trials, sufferings and weaknesses of one early christians most authoritative leaders. Weaknesses he tells us can be transformed into strength only through admitting them openly and allowing Christ to work through us. When was the last time I seriously admitted to someone that I struggle with a particular issue, habit, relationship or behavior? Admitted it to God? He certainly knows all my weaknesses for sure, but when was the last time He and I had a "heart to heart" regarding "the thorns in my side" as Paul refers to them? Paul learned on his journey in Christianitythat his weaknesses, when transformed only by Christ into strengths, became his testimony and part of his teachings. The continued "good news" of Jesus Christ. The message for us becomes, "Yes I struggled with binge eating, but I prayed desperately to God, sincere in my repentance and he took it away." Or, "My spouse has left me and I feel so alone I cannot bear it, to which Jesus responded, I am your first true love and I will never leave you alone." The "thorns in our flesh" or "weaknesses" in our character can be made new and powerful through Christ, but only when we openly admit that they are there and they are real! I pray Christ opens your eyes today to the "weaknesses" and "thorns in your side" that He wishes to turn into strengths for His glory. May you feel His presence and know He is capable and Will make you strong when you are weak!
May you enjoy strenth and power beyond your understanding this week!
Thanks for reading!
In His love,
"That's why I take pleasure in my weaknesses, and in the insults, hardships, persecutions, and troubles that I suffer for Christ. For when I am weak, then I am strong." 2 Corinthians 12:10


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