Day One Ephesians 4:20

Lose Weight FAST!
That gets our attention doesn't it? If you are reading this, we probably have something in common. We want (or have wanted in the past) to lose weight, and we want it gone yesterday. I have always been a firm believer in losing weight FAST! However, thanks to God's great work in my life, my definition of Fast has changed somewhat over time. May you be blessed with a new understanding of FAST and may God grant you wonderful health and wellness (and weight loss:) through this journey! Here's what I think FAST means today:

F-Foods I eat do make a difference
A-Attitude makes a difference
S-Scipture meditation is crucial
T-Team Up! Accountability ensures success

I pray you will join me on this journey and commit to reading the blog everyday (I vow to keep them short) for the next 21 days and memorizing the accompanying scripture as your armor yourself in fighting temptation and fear, and uncover how losing weight FAST can be accomplished! We all know, if we do something for 21 days it is likely to become a new habit, so here's to new, healthy and life-long habits! Thanks for coming along!

Day One
God's Unbelievable Gift To Me
"Now all glory to God, who is able, through his mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think." Ephesians 4:20
Infinitely more than I might ask or think? Really? How often do I not even ask God for the things I think He can accomplish, much less ask for the things I not sure He can (or maybe will) in my life. Aaah, could this be the key? Can and Will. Such a big difference in the meaning of two small words. Can-Maybe.. might.. let's think about it....Will-Yes..Let's go...Let's do this thing... I have come to the realization that I put my Big God in a box everyday, and deny His Awesome power in my life. I say things like, " I know He can," but never truly believe that He will! Until I believe He will, I am not giving Him full control to accomplish all the wonderful and amazing things He wants to accomplish in my life. I fear that even though I know He can, I do not deserve to lose weight, maybe I am not good enough to lose weight. Newsflash for me: I am NOT good enough, I do NOT deserve, but that's what makes God so very great!
Beth Moore once said,
"The beauty of having God in the picure is that we're not limited to learning a few helpful lessons that might lend occasional insight. We get to ask for a supernatural act from God himself."
So, neither we nor God have anything at all to gain from NOT asking. So, I am asking you to be bold today and ASK! Ask, knowing it WILL be accomplished! Meditate and memorize Ephesians 4:20 and go boldly before Christ and ASK! Remember, it's not your work to accomplish, it's Christ's work through you!
May you enjoy great success today and thanks for reading!
Other Scripture for this devotion:
1 John 5:14-15
Matthew 21: 21-22


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