Day Eleven-Philippians 4:6

"Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done." Philippians 4:6

Don't worry about anything? Seriously? It's Monday morning you know! The day set aside just for worry, I thought! I need to worry, don't I? Worry about all that I have to accomplish this week. Worry about the house that needs cleaning, the laundry that needs doing, the kids that need teaching (homeschooler!! Out of my mind, I know!) The gas prices that are getting way, way to high for a family that pulls a camper to take a vacation this year! (Or a trip to the grocery store for that matter!) Oh, that reminds me, we need groceries and toilet paper! (Worry...worry...) So how does one not worry? As we speak, I am worried that my bathroom floor is being flooded by the splashing of water from two young children having wayyyy too much fun in the bathtub right now!! But I have a devotion to write and God's message on my heart, so I dare not leave the computer right now! (Say a quick prayer for my bathroom floor, won't you :) Somehow, in this scripture, I fear we miss the true teaching of not worrying, by getting hung up on the first sentence....When I read on, I learn the secret of not worrying. Yes, it does lie in telling God my worries, but greater still is the second half of verse 6. Thanking God for all He has done! Wow! How often do I spend my time blurting out my worries and concerns, forgetting all He has graciously done for me. The mercy, forgiveness, healthy happy children (don't let their complaining fool you:), wonderful husband, awesome church home and family, cozy bed, nice yard, good health for my husband and myself, losing 50lbs five years ago....I could go on and on and on...And you know what? When I do, I forget about my worries! Which leads me to the next part. "Then you will experience God's peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:7 Don't you just love getting a fresh word from Jesus. Try it today! The next worry that enters your mind? Counter it with a healthy list of all the things Jesus has done for you! And don't forget to thank Him for what He is going to do in the future too!
May your day be filled with a peace, joy and blessings that can only be explained by God's love and mercy!
Oh, by the way; the bathroom floor? Just fine! Thanks for your prayers!
And, thanks for reading!
In Him,
"Worry does not empty tomorrow of it's sorrows, it empties today of it's strength!" Corrie Ten Boom


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