Day Seven-Matthew 5:44

"But I say, 'Love your enemies!' 'Pray for those who persecute you!'" Matthew 5:44
Are you an emotional eater? Me too! Have you ever really wondered what drives us to eat emotionally? Often times, we find ourselves eating our feelings. "It's not what you eat, it's what's eating you!" Sound about right?! Last time I checked it was right on the money for me. "You have disappointed me!" "Crunch! crunch!" "I am so worried about......(son, brother, child, spouse, finances..") "Drink drink!" "You make me so mad!" "Bite! bite"
Yesterday marked the anniversary of the day my dear, sweet, loving, kind, and wonderfully funny brother went to heaven just two short years ago. My brother lived a life haunted and tormented by alcoholism. And we, his family were haunted and tormented by emotions. Emotions some of us ate, and some of us drank on a regular basis. I felt at times, I was enemies with my brother and persecuted by his disease. What I did not do, however, was follow the teachings of Jesus. Love without condition, and love those who cause me pain. I wrestled with God regarding this up until the minute my brother went to heaven and the lesson that awaited me after is nothing short of a miracle. I realized that through his pain and suffering my brother was doing something I was not: Loving unconditionally! Jimmy loved everyone, always! He loved you when you were mad at him, he loved you when you yelled at him and he loved those who persecuted and assalted him! Just as Jesus. This lesson has transcended into every aspect of my life, including eating. Letting go of the hurts, praying through the pain, loving without condition (through the power of the Holy Spirit, because I can't do it on my own) has freed me from eating the emotions of anger, frustration and worry....I pray this devotion leads you to the foot of the cross assertively asking God to do the same for you!
As always, thanks for reading!
May God richly bless your day with health and wellness!
"So after you have suffered a little while, he will restore, support, and strengthen you, and he will place you on a firm foundation." 1 Peter 5:10
(thanks to my friend Denise Pack, who unknowingly led me to this scripture when I needed it the most!)


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