Day Nine- Jude 1:3

"But now I find that I must write about something else, urging you to defend the faith that God has entrusted once for all time to his holy people." Jude 1:3

The book of Jude. One short chapter written by Jesus' brother. Did you know that Jude (as well as most of the rest of his family) misunderstood Jesus and were even skeptical of his identity as the Messiah while he was alive? Many scholars believe that most of Jesus's family were not even followers while he was alive! Oh, how I relate. How often do we appreciate the knowledge, character traits, abilities and wisdom of our family members only after they are gone. How we wish we had them with us to teach us, guide us, and love us now that they are in heaven, as they did when they were here on Earth. I misunderstood my brother while he was here on this earth. But after he passed, I vowed to keep him alive through sharing his message and his story. We are called to do the same where Jesus is concerned. Keep him alive by sharing his teachings, his message, his word. Jude reminds us early and often is his writing of the importance of defending our faith. Sometimes I truly believe my struggles are a result of my not being courageous enough in my faith. Unwilling to step up for what I believe in. I believe Jude and the rest of his brothers wished with all their hearts they defended Jesus while he was on this earth. It's for this reason Jude refers to himself as a "Slave" of Jesus. I wish with all my heart that I defended and respected my brother more while he was on this earth. Defended his disease of alcoholism and not just shame him for not getting help. Fought harder for the homeless community that he was a part of. Maybe then he wouldn't have spent time being homeless. My prayer for myself and all of us is that we find the courage, determination and motivation to defend our misunderstood Savior, as the Savior he came to be; the Savior of the "World!" What would my life be like if I acted as if I were a "Slave" of Jesus? How would I behave differently? Would I treat others differently? Would I treat my own body differently? We are reminded also in the book of Jude that following the will of Jesus provides blessings and, "More and more mercy, peace, and love." Jude 1:2

May you find an abundant supply of mercy peace and love today!
Thanks for reading,
In His Love,


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