Day Five-2 Timothy 1:7

"For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline."
2 Timothy 1:7
It's early! (For me it is...) 6:40am. Too early to be sitting in front of a computer screen. How I wish I could send this devotion to you from my notebook (pen and paper kind, not computer) on my comfy couch, wrapped in my warm, snuggly blanket, coffee close by! Instead, I sit at the kitchen table, high back chair, too close to the patio doors (can you say draft!) And, coffee out of arm's reach just in case of a spill! I resist technology. I still balance my checkbook with a calculator, (which by the way, I am off only by $.79 at the moment), write in my journal, look up phone numbers in the phone book, and, yes we have paper maps in our cars. How often I am told, "your life would be so much easier if you used your computer for that...," "it's not as hard as you are making it..," "You can do it.." I believe the same is true in our weight-loss journey. We resist the knowledge we gain, returning to the same old struggles day after day. I know fruits and vegetables are crucial, but I don't like them! I know exercise will give me energy, but I'm too tired to exercise! The longer I resist the knowledge I have gained, the more I fall behind! I could be paying my bills in half the time: I resist! I could find the unlisted number: I resist! The sweet voice on the GPS could tell me exactly when to turn: I get lost!
Today, I pray we don't resist the knowledge God has provided for us on our journeys. May you find courage, desire and determination not to resist but to embrace the wonderful foods God has provided to enhance, change and rejuvenate our bodies and experience the rush of adrenaline from moving your body more!
Don't be scared! You can do it!
"Let us hold tightly to the hope we affirm,
for God can be trusted to keep his promise."
Hebrews 10:24


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