Day Eight- Proverbs 3:6

"Seek His will in all you do, and He will keep your paths straight." Proverbs 3:6

Have you had an encounter with a pothole lately. Thankfully, I have not. But my husband drives a thirty-five minute stretch of interstate 75 everyday, and he says it's full of them. "And they get worse everyday." Hmm, sounds a little like my battles in weight loss and life sometimes?! Although my husband, is a very careful and focused driver, these skills are not even enough to avoid the potential of falling prey to another pothole. How does he do it? "By keeping my eyes on the driver I am following." "If he hits one, I can swerve and miss it, if he doesn't, I just follow right along."
A two-fold message for me: First, follow the ones who have been there, they can help you avoid the pitfalls and potholes. Learn from their mistakes. Seek their counsel, friendship and accountability. Got a friend who has maneuvered a "pothole" successfully? And now you are at risk of driving into the same one (or damaged for having already done so?) Follow their path of success, they are happy to take the lead and guide you!
Secondly, and most importantly in life and weight-loss; Seek the One who made the paths. A psalmist once said, "Teach me how to live O Lord. Lead me along the right path, for my enemies are waiting for me." Psalm 27:11. Enemies take many forms; weight, anger, frustration, debt, marital problems, and so many others do await us and we do need guidance from the One who knows every path and every enemy.
I pray you find the courage and determination to seek guidance from the ones who have been there before, and the One who loves you more than you know!
May God fill your day with a clear, safe, and beautiful path!
Thanks for reading
"The unfailing love of the Most High will keep you from stumbling." Psalm 21:7
Other scripture for this devotion: Matthew 6:33


  1. That is so true about following others...great analagy with the potholes.


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