I am FREE to ENJOY Healthy Foods!

I am FREE to enjoy eating healthy!

Yes, we all want "to want" to eat healthy, we just don't "want to" right?!? Do you get me here?
All month long we are discovering the beauty of healthy living! Changing our perspectives, looking through a different lense and learning to love our new healthy lifestyle! (Remember, the prison is NOT the healthy lifestyle, but being controlled by the foods and behaviors associated with unhealthy living!)
Doesn't that sound wonderful!? Too good to be true, you say, I know! But not so!
God has great plans for us and learning to love healthy foods is just the beginning!
Join us this week at your Equipped Meeting and learn:
  • The rules about where to find the best, and least expensive healthy foods
  • When to eat your fruits and vegetables
  • How you can enhance the convenience of healthy snacking
  • How you can implement behaviors in your home that will influence and inspire you to love healthy living!

Attend your meeting this week at:

Hickory Grove Baptist Church: Tuesday @ 5:30-6:00 (Upstairs classroom, across from the track)

Lakeside Christian Church: Wednesday @ 5:45-6:15 (Lower level classroom, across from choir room)

Praying for your health and wellness and hoping to see you!




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