I am FREE to ENJOY Activity! (yes, enjoy!!!)

Exercise is just one of those topics that is always worth re-visiting..."Maybe this time it will sink through to me," we think...."Maybe this time, she'll tell me something I don't know," we say.....Well, you may have heard and read and know it all, but one thing is for sure.....The best thing we can do for ourselves, especially in the realm of exercise is to "Just keep trying!" Join us tonight for Motivation, Inspiration @ Education that will change the way you see yourself exercising!....Exercise, like everything else on our health and wellness journey is about changing our perspective....Tonight we will do that by:

Changing what we think about exercise-If doing it to lose weight doesn't inspire or motivate you enough to lift your leg off the coffee table, some of exercises other seemingly unending benefits might! Join us to hear what they are!

Releasing judgement and guilt-Goodbye guilt, hello freedom! Guilt keeps me on the couch, freedom, takes me places I have never been! Join us for the trip, won't you?!

Clearing My mind-Trouble concentrating, too many thoughts, worries, deadlines?! Life too hectic? Exercise can change ALL that and more (and no, we're not selling gym memberships tonight!) Join us and begin the process of clearing your mind!

Do what you love-There is an active person hidden in the largest of couch potatoes.....Find your love tonight!!!

Self-Confidence-This is a what "what comes first?" kind of issue...We feel we need more confidence before beginning an exercise program, but exersise boosts self-confidence! Join us tonight as we learn how implementing activity can be as private as we want until we're ready to hit the pavement in public! Learn also, how you can grow your pride by leaps and bounds by challenging yourself daily!

My Plan-We'll share specific steps about how to integrate an active lifestyle and how we can all begin to make exercise a priority without allowing other aspects of our lives to suffer! (Believe it or not ALL areas of our lives will begin to flourish if we become more active!) Find out how and why tonight!

Join us tonight and leave the meeting MORE MOTIVATED, HIGHLY INSPIRED @ BETTER EDUCATED for this health and wellness journey!



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