Get Active With A Little Help From Your Friends

O.K. I want to be active, I need to be active, I'd love to say I was an active person but I'm not. And quite frankly I don't even know where to start....I hate the whole idea of exercise, and if I was really honest, sometimes don't really care for the people who say they love exercise!!!! Sound familiar?!? Well, if you can relate to any of the above, trust me you are not in the minority...You are my friend, the majority and it's time we made some changes....We all know that exercise benefits us in more ways than one:
Physical Benefits: weight-loss, lower blood pressure, increased energy, lower meds, better sleep
Emotional Benefits: ability to think more clearly after a good work-out or walk, alleviates depression and anxiety, increases confidence, increase patience
And the list goes on and on and on!

So why then, can't I get started? You need fellowship my friend! Somebody who's been where you are, someone who will empathize, not criticize....Friends to encourage, not discourage.....People to support you, not make you feel inadequate!

Join us this Wednesday at Equipped and find out how other people just like you:
  • Found their "love" (or just tolerance sometimes) for exercise and activity
  • Learn some "real" moves that (you CAN DO) and will attack trouble zones
  • See what others are doing....)So if you are currently working out, help to encourage your Equipped family by sharing what you are learning on your journey to becoming more active (bring your videos, bring your weights, bring your shoes)

Why do I need Equipped for this? Why can't I just get started on my own??

We need each other **"We are inherently designed by our Creator to live in a community with others, God Himself is a community (Father, Son, Holy Spirit) and wired us to be with others, to know them and to be known by them."**

**Lakeside Christian Church Bulletin Lakeside Park Kentucky 7/18/10**

And the bible says, "We who are many, form one body, and each member belongs to all the others." Romans 12:5

We need each other and NO we can't do this alone! If I want to learn Mechanics, I take a class....Algebra, take a class...Sewing, take a class.....Exercise? Get to Equipped this week!

Thanks to Bro. John Russell for a wonderful message on fellowship this morning and further inspiration for this topic! That's just how God works!

Hope to see you at Equipped this week!

In His amazing love and power,



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