Your Personal and Very Special Invitation

Have I Committed My Health and Wellness to Christ?

I felt the need to post a special invitation to all past, present and future members for tonight's meeting for various reasons:
  • I Want to always remind myself and others of the main reason for this ministry
  • I Want to encourage those thinking about joining, re-joining, or visiting that NOW may be the time

Equipped Ministries was designed to address the missing link in popular weight loss programs today.....The reliance on Christ for direction, information and inspiration! It is not a fast-track to weight loss or a gimmick selling false reality....IT IS a personal testimony to God's healing power and redemption....Proof that He still works miracles.....Evidence of what He want for ALL of us!!!
Being overweight robs me of joys that God wants me to experience and my poor health can definitely harm me to the point that I become sick....
My bible tells me, "He took our sicknesses and healted our diseases." Matthew 8:17
When we are sick we cannot serve! God wants to heal us, to make us healthy, so that we can serve Him better! As we heal our bodies, our minds too become healed!
Please share this invitation with anyone you feel may benefit from it, and visit us tonight and allow God to "Begin a great work in you!"
As always,
In His Amazing Love and Power!


  1. It was nice to meet you tonight. I'm following your blog now, I have a couple of blogs too.



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