Get Your Priorities Straight

“It’s time for you to get your priorities straight.” I think I heard my mother say this directly to, or about each and every one of her six (no, make that seven, my parents adopted my niece when she was just 5yrs old) children, including yours truly.

I recently came across that phrase again, in a book about finding and aligning my purpose in life with God’s plans for me. Thinking I knew most of what the book would say, I read on hoping to find some nuggets of information that might spur me onto truly understanding God’s plan for “who I’m supposed to be when I grow up.”

Although the strategies themselves were not surprising, changing my perspective about them (something the book proposes) was.

For instance, we expect for God to be our first priority, but how many of us truly treat him as such. In other words, do we really spend quality time with Him each and every day? If we’re not reading His word, the answer is a resounding NO! The best way to get to know someone is to spend time with them and learn more about them. There’s no better place to learn more about God than His word. If He is our number one priority we must read His word. Need a place to start? Whatever the date your reading this article, start with that corresponding chapter in the book of Proverbs. Read one chapter a day and you will complete the book in one month.

Secondly, if you’re married your spouse is your second priority. No, not your children; your spouse was here first. Many of us struggle in this area claiming our spouse doesn’t give back the way we give to them. “He/she doesn’t appreciate all the things I do for him/her.” Let me ask you this question? Do your kids appreciate all that you do? Does your boss? Do you still manage to give them 110% hoping and praying that one day they will “see the light?”

Thirdly, our children want and need us too. The problem is that with so many other demands for our time and energy we can barely keep up with the basics; feed them, bathe them, and put them to bed. Try this little exercise. Every day look for one way to show your children that you love them, actively. No, not buying them something, but doing something with or for them that shows them you are invested in them. My favorites are coloring with my four-year old and surprising my older two with clean rooms, (normally they’re responsible for that one and I make it a point to let them know that I did it because I love them.)

This week work to spend time with the people who mean the most to you in your life. And, actively do something that shows you love them. Hold hands, give hugs and kisses, and pray with them, realizing that the people in your life are a gift to be appreciated and loved. They are your “priority.”

“Through wisdom a house is built, and by understanding it is established; by knowledge the rooms are filled with all precious and pleasant riches.” Proverbs 24:3-4


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