Blinders can be Eye-Opening
Have you ever stopped to think of how important blinders are to the horse in a horse race? Absolutely crucial some trainers say. Just as crucial as the jockey and the saddle! Without blinders the horse gets distracted, tripped up and possibly even injured. (Hmm, that sounds a little too much like my life sometimes!) A trainer would never even think of putting their horse on the track without blinders. Certainly not if they expected them to win! Yet, they seem so cumbersome to me. A constant reminder to keep looking straight ahead! What? I’m missing all the action on the sidelines! Exactly the point! Funny, when you’re in a race, a game (or life in general for that matter) success often depends on your ability to “tune out” what’s going on around you and focus simply on what’s in front of you. But, what about the discomfort; the boredom even of just looking at what’s in front of me? Get over it! Your trainer would say; it’s what’s going to help you win! What would life be like if I tackled all my goals with blinders on? Well, I can tell you what it wouldn’t be like. I wouldn’t be sitting here at my computer trying to write a story that will impact those who read it while thinking about the dishes in the sink, the laundry in the laundry room, the upcoming school year, the rising gas prices, (you get the point). I would just simply put my blinders on; write the story and move on to the next task at hand. What’s the difference you ask? Well, without the distractions, I am likely to write a much more interesting story in less than half the time! Distractions and interference are what trip me up in all areas of life. Think about blinders in the realm of weight loss. Without blinders on, my thought process goes something like this. “I was eating so healthy today until I became distracted by the unending menu at the restaurant and ordered an item that was clearly not within my calorie range!” With my blinders on, the story in my head may read a little more like this. “I am having a super healthy day, I know where we are going to eat and what fits within my calorie range, and I won’t even need to look at a menu.” I like to use a similar example in our weight loss meetings. Tim McGraw had a song out several years ago entitled, “How Bad Do You Want It?” Part of the chorus reads, “Are you eating, sleeping, and drinking, with that one thing on your mind? How bad do you want it? Cause if you want it bad, you’re going to lay it all out on the line!” In other words, if we want something bad enough and it’s all we can think about, we are likely to give everything we have to attain it! Consider giving everything you have today to the things that will add to your life, and leave you with no regrets! Give your time to your children, not your computer, phone, or Ipad (hey, I’m writing before they’re out of bed, so I’m good on this one.) Give your spouse the attention you gave to your favorite episode of Dr. Oz, or the Inaugural race at Kentucky Speedway. Give your extra cash to the homeless, not the department store (sorry Kohl’s.) Give your extra five minutes today to a walk around the block, not the couch! Go ahead, get up!
Now of course, there’s always scripture to back up life lessons, and countless times the bible reiterates the importance of where our focus should be if we want to experience lasting success. I’ll leave you with one of my favorites: “Take delight in the Lord, and He will give you your heart’s desires. Commit everything you do to the Lord. Trust Him, and He will help you.” Psalm 37:4-5 Don’t be afraid to ask God to help you put blinders on today, focus on His plans for you and get ready to experience great success in all areas of your life!


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