Holidays are the BEST time to Get Healthy

So, this is just about the time of year we begin to say......
"Well, after the holidays, I'm going to get serious about weight loss!" Sound familiar?!
Here are just a few reasons the Holidays are the BEST/NOT WORST
times to get in shape and lose weight!!!
1)Start NOW and you will still have ample time to be Significantly Slimmer by Thanksgving and Christmas! How does 20lbs lighter sound??
2)You and most others will notice a significant difference with just a 10lb. loss! That can be accomplished by Thanksgiving for sure!!!!
3)Now is a fantastic time to try out Healthy and Tasty recipes that can and will be staples at your holiday parties and family gatherings for years to come
4)What better incentive for that New Holiday outfit than "Hey, I lost 15lbs.!
I deserve a new dress/outfit!
5)If you can conquer the food battles of Christmas and New Year's Eve parties,
You can be successful ANY time of Year!
6)And, most importantly,Who better to do this for than your Saviour!!! He wants this for you!!! What better gift to Him than committing to become healthier during this Holiday Season!

May His Love and Gift of His Son inspire you to get healthier and more fit NOW, not in January!

Hope to see you tonight for tips and inspiration for losing weight and getting healthy! We have a complete 7 Day Menu Plan and grocery list to take all the guess work out of this journey, just for showing up! Join us soon!
"You can make this choice, by loving the Lord your God, obeying Him and committing yourself firmly to Him. This is the key to your life." Deuteronomy 30:20

Here are some holiday survival tips to get you through the endless situations involving food:
Indulge only in foods that you really love.
Don’t eat simply out of habit.
Practice portion control. Stop eating after one cookie.
Bring a healthy dish to share.
Create new traditions that don’t involve food.
Eat something small, like soup or salad, before you go to a party.
Find a seat away from the food so you will be less tempted to take more.
Preoccupy yourself with people and presents.
Recycle food gifts that you receive.
Create healthier versions of family favorite recipes.
Send the extra cupcakes to school. The office staff may appreciate them.
Don’t be afraid to throw food out. It is better than overeating.
Write down your weight loss goals and keep them in front of you.
Find a buddy to keep you accountable.
Pick out a Christmas outfit you want to wear and keep your eye on the goal.
Practice saying no to anyone who offers you food.


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